Monday, December 17, 2012

Manuel Velez: Hearing Day 4: Tragedy compounded when he moved in with the Baby's mother as she fled domestic violence. Hearing expected to conclude today. Brian Stull. ACLU Blog of Rights.

 POST:  "Velez hearing Day 4: Plight of victim's family shows that death penalty is the wrong priority," by Brian Stull, published on the ACLU Blog of Rights, on December 17, 2012.

GIST:  "Day 4 of the Manuel Velez innocence hearing on Friday in Brownsville, Texas, brought into focus the plight of the poor, depressed, and overwhelmed young mother of the child victim who died -- a mother who desperately needed help but never found it. At a 2008 trial, Manuel was convicted and sentenced to death for killing 11-month-old Angel Moreno.  Before Friday’s testimony, most of this hearing’s evidence has been the testimony of experts who showed that the child’s injuries were caused at a time when Manuel was not involved with the family and had no access to the child.
Witnesses Friday described the months leading up to the boy’s death, and the struggles his mother, Acela Moreno, faced.........Authorities only compounded this tragedy when they then charged Manuel with capital murder and sought his death sentence – as a direct result of Moreno moving in with him as she fled domestic violence. The resources spent to convict Velez and to obtain his death sentence were considerable.  Three prosecutors, three experts, and two appointed defense counsel participated in the 2008 trial, not to mention the judge and court staff.  Even more resources have now gone into challenging Manuel’s death sentence – the Court of Criminal Appeals reversed it – and in challenging his conviction as false and unsupported.........The hearing will conclude today."

The entire post can be found at:


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