Monday, July 22, 2013

FBI review of cases tainted by flawed FBI microscopic hair testimony; A worthwhile repeat of former FBI Director William Session's compelling commentary on why the many individuals still in jail, possibly convicted wrongfully due to faulty, and highly influential, FBI testimony, must be afforded the opportunity to prove their innocence;

PUBLISHER'S VIEW:  On June 11, 2013,  I posted a commentary by former FBI Director William Sessions commending the FBI  for taking the necessary steps to inform defendants and prosecutors in every case where unreliable hair analysis had been used.  Sessions expressed alarm that FBI agents may have "knowingly relied on flawed forensic evidence for decades." Sessions message is well worth repeating in view of the review to be conducted by the FBI, the Innocence Project and the National Association of Criminal Defence Lawyers, announced earlier this week.  The earlier post ran on June 11, 2013, under the heading, "Former FBI Director William Session's refreshing message."

Harold Levy; Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog.

COMMENTARY: "DNA: a test for justice," by William S. Sessions, published by the Baltimore Sun on June 10, 2013; (William S. Sessions served three U.S. presidents as director of the FBI and was previously chief judge for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, and a United States attorney. He is a member of The Constitution Project's board of directors.)

GIST:  "If FBI forensic analysts and agents knowingly relied on flawed forensic evidence for decades, it is alarming. If men and women such as Messrs. Huffington and Manning still remain in prison, and in some cases on death row, it is intolerable. I commend the FBI for taking the necessary steps to inform defendants and prosecutors in every case where unreliable hair analysis was used. Moreover, I urge state prosecutors and judges who are aware that the FBI provided potentially unreliable evidence or testimony to work with defense counsel in those cases to ensure the accuracy of the verdicts, including allowing for additional forensic testing of evidence, especially DNA testing, and the pursuit of wrongful conviction claims. When evidence used to convict an individual is discovered to be unreliable, justice requires that we review that case, no matter how long ago the conviction occurred. For John Huffington, unreliable forensic evidence led to 32 lost years; for Willie Manning, it may lead to far more grievous harm. The DOJ has taken steps to remedy reliance on repudiated hair analysis techniques. Unfortunately, there are many individuals still in jail, possibly convicted wrongfully due to faulty, and highly influential, FBI testimony. These individuals, like Messrs. Manning and Huffington, must be afforded the opportunity to prove their innocence."

The previously published post can  be found at:


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Harold Levy: Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog.