Thursday, May 2, 2024

Criminalizing Reproduction: Attacks on medicine, science and the right to choose: A welcome 'reminder' by Governor Tim Waltz Chair of the DOJ (Democratic Governors Association) in response to former President' alarming comments during a recent interview with Time Magazine…“After overturning Roe v. Wade and paving the way for extreme abortion bans across the country, Donald Trump confirmed that he and Republican governors across the country are just getting started with their attacks on reproductive freedom – from criminalizing women seeking health care to monitoring private medical records and restricting the travel of pregnant women. “Between Trump’s threats today and his refusal to oppose a national abortion ban, it’s clear that reproductive rights are on the ballot in November."

PUBLISHER'S NOTE:  "In recent years, I have taken on the  theme of criminalizing reproduction - a natural theme for a Blog concerned with  flawed science in its myriad forms  - as I am utterly opposed to the current movement in the United States (and some other countries) emboldened by the overturning of Roe Versus Wade,  towards imprisoning women and their physicians and others who help them secure a safe abortion,  on the basis of sham science (or any other basis). I can’t remember the source, but agree  totally with the sentiment that control over their reproductive lives is far too important to women in America - or anywhere else -  so they can  participate  equally in the economic and social life of their nations without fear for  loss their freedom at the hands of political opportunists and fanatics. (Far too many of those those around these days.) 

Harold Levy: Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog.


PASSAGE OF THE DAY:  "Trump’s latest comments come as reproductive freedom promises to be a central issue in governor’s races across the country, including North Carolina and New Hampshire, two states where the Republican candidates have well-documented records of staking out extreme and dangerous positions attacking women’s rights:  In North Carolina, Republican nominee Lt. Governor Mark Robinson has said that women who get an abortion are “guilty of murder,” and that he would “love to pass a law” that says “you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason.” In New Hampshire, former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte is doing damage control and lying about her vote to allow health care providers to deny families IVF and fertility care, as she faces scrutiny for pushing for a national abortion ban and serving as a “sherpa” for the extreme SCOTUS majority that overturned Roe v. Wade. Meanwhile, her primary opponent state Senator Chuck Morse “proudly led the charge” on New Hampshire’s abortion ban and voted against adding exceptions for rape or incest to the law.


PASSAGE TWO OF THE DAY: "Polling conducted earlier this year found that majorities of voters in both states oppose the overturning of Roe and prefer a governor who supports protecting abortion rights.""


STATEMENT: DGA Statement on Donald Trump’s Threats to Reproductive Freedom, delivered  on April 30, 2024, by  DGA Chair Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. (The Democratic Governors Association (DGA) is an independent voluntary political organization organized to support Democratic governors and candidates across the nation.)


GIST: "DGA Chair Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz released the following statement in response to Donald Trump’s threats to reproductive freedom in his interview with Time Magazine:

“After overturning Roe v. Wade and paving the way for extreme abortion bans across the country, Donald Trump confirmed that he and Republican governors across the country are just getting started with their attacks on reproductive freedom – from criminalizing women seeking health care to monitoring private medical records and restricting the travel of pregnant women.

“Between Trump’s threats today and his refusal to oppose a national abortion ban, it’s clear that  reproductive rights are on the ballot in November. Meanwhile, Democratic governors will continue defending reproductive rights in our states, fighting back against GOP extremists, and making clear why it is so important that we elect more Democratic governors who will protect our fundamental freedoms.”

Trump’s latest comments come as reproductive freedom promises to be a central issue in governor’s races across the country, including North Carolina and New Hampshire, two states where the Republican candidates have well-documented records of staking out extreme and dangerous positions attacking women’s rights:

  • In North Carolina, Republican nominee Lt. Governor Mark Robinson has said that women who get an abortion are “guilty of murder,” and that he would “love to pass a law” that says “you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason.”
  • In New Hampshire, former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte is doing damage control and lying about her vote to allow health care providers to deny families IVF and fertility care, as she faces scrutiny for pushing for a national abortion ban and serving as a “sherpa” for the extreme SCOTUS majority that overturned Roe v. Wade. Meanwhile, her primary opponent state Senator Chuck Morse “proudly led the charge” on New Hampshire’s abortion ban and voted against adding exceptions for rape or incest to the law.

Polling conducted earlier this year found that majorities of voters in both states oppose the overturning of Roe and prefer a governor who supports protecting abortion rights."

The entire statement can be read at:



FINAL WORD:  (Applicable to all of our wrongful conviction cases):  "Whenever there is a wrongful conviction, it exposes errors in our criminal legal system, and we hope that this case — and lessons from it — can prevent future injustices."

Lawyer Radha Natarajan:

Executive Director: New England Innocence Project;


FINAL, FINAL WORD: "Since its inception, the Innocence Project has pushed the criminal legal system to confront and correct the laws and policies that cause and contribute to wrongful convictions.   They never shied away from the hard cases — the ones involving eyewitness identifications, confessions, and bite marks. Instead, in the course of presenting scientific evidence of innocence, they've exposed the unreliability of evidence that was, for centuries, deemed untouchable." So true!

Christina Swarns: Executive Director: The Innocence Project;



David Hammond, one of Broadwater's attorneys who sought his exoneration, told the Syracuse Post-Standard, "Sprinkle some junk science onto a faulty identification, and it's the perfect recipe for a wrongful conviction.
