Monday, June 17, 2024

Ex-NYPD Deputy Inspector Paul Zangrilli: New York: Evidence tampering: An ex-NYPD (New York Police Department) Deputy Inspector has been accused of deleting a video cover-up of a car crash in which the was personally involved, 1010 WINS newsroom reports, in a story sub-headed: "in cover-up of booze-fueled cop car crash."…"Paul Zangrilli, 44, then an NYPD deputy inspector, allegedly let his girlfriend, Nikole Rupple, 35, drive his unmarked police car after they had been drinking for hours, according to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. While Zangrilli was in the passenger seat, Rupple allegedly hit a delivery cab and fled the scene, according to court documents. Later, Zangrilli drove the same NYPD car while intoxicated, lied about the incident, and tried to erase crucial video evidence."

PUBLISHER'S NOTE:Since I began  publishing this Blog there have been dozens, if not hundreds of posts involving tampering with physical evidence by individuals - and most often, by police, crime lab personnel and other public servants. So many, in fact, that I have concluded that tampering of physical evidence  occurs much more often than I imagined. So much more inn fact that I have decided to pay considerably more attention to them in this Blog, as with today's post containing serious allegations of tampering made agains aa ex-senior  Deputy Inspector, then commanding officer. Indeed, one of the most serious set of allegations over the years, if not the most serious I have come upon relates to disgraced  former Doctor Charles Smith, the namesake of this Blog, who admitted that he had secretly kept in his possession, out of the hands of the police officer attending the autopsy - what appeared to be  a black, curly,  male-type pubic hair -  he had secretly pocketed during the  autopsy he was conducting - which  interfered  with the police investigation into the death of a baby (no forensic examination of the hair),  and played a role in the wrongful conviction of her mother. (The Brenda Waudby case);    WIKIPEDIA ENTRY: "Tampering with evidence, or evidence tampering, is an act in which a person alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys evidence w ith the intent to interfere with an investigation (usually) by a law-enforcement, governmental, or regulatory authority.[1] It is a criminal offense in many jurisdictions.[2] Tampering with evidence is closely related to the legal issue of spoliation of evidence, which is usually the civil law or due processversion of the same concept (but may itself be a crime). Tampering with evidence is also closely related to obstruction of justice and perverting the course of justice, and these two kinds of crimes are often charged together. The goal of tampering with evidence is usually to cover up a crime or with intent to injure the accused person."


PASSAGE ONE  OF THE DAY: “This alleged behavior was incredibly dangerous, leading to injuries for one cab driver and putting the safety of many other drivers and pedestrians at risk. Furthermore, this NYPD Deputy Inspector, then a Commanding Officer, allegedly went to great lengths to cover up the incident to avoid responsibility,” Bragg said. “We will continue to hold public servants accountable when they violate the public trust.”


PASSAGE TWO OF THE DAY:  "When the IAB arrived at his home around midnight to check if he was fit for duty and not intoxicated, Zangrilli wasn’t there. He was later found at Rupple’s apartment. Several days later, IAB executed a search warrant for American Whiskey’s video surveillance system. IAB and the DA’s Office were able to recover and extract the video surveillance footage from the day of the incident, prosecutors said. Zangrilli is now charged with tampering with physical evidence, falsifying business records in the first degree, offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree, obstructing governmental administration in the second degree, official misconduct, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, and operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol."


STORY: "Ex-NYPD inspector accused of deleting video cover-up crash," by 1010 WINS newsroom,  on June 13, 2024.  newsroom,, 

SUB-HEADING: "Ex-NYPD deputy inspector accused of getting Midtown bar to delete video in cover-up of booze-fueled cop car crash."

GIST: "A former NYPD deputy inspector was indicted on Wednesday for allegedly trying to cover up a drunk driving incident in 2022, according to prosecutors.

Paul Zangrilli, 44, then an NYPD deputy inspector, allegedly let his girlfriend, Nikole Rupple, 35, drive his unmarked police car after they had been drinking for hours, according to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

While Zangrilli was in the passenger seat, Rupple allegedly hit a delivery cab and fled the scene, according to court documents. Later, Zangrilli drove the same NYPD car while intoxicated, lied about the incident, and tried to erase crucial video evidence.

“This alleged behavior was incredibly dangerous, leading to injuries for one cab driver and putting the safety of many other drivers and pedestrians at risk. Furthermore, this NYPD Deputy Inspector, then a Commanding Officer, allegedly went to great lengths to cover up the incident to avoid responsibility,” Bragg said. “We will continue to hold public servants accountable when they violate the public trust.”

According to court documents, on August 16, 2022, around 5:40 p.m., Zangrilli, who was then the Commanding Officer of the NYPD’s 5th Precinct, drove with Rupple to the bar American Whiskey near Penn Station. At the bar, Zangrilli allegedly drank five shots and seven beers, while Rupple had seven shots and three beers. They left the bar together around 8:40 p.m. Rupple allegedly drove the NYPD-issued vehicle north on 10th Avenue with Zangrilli in the front passenger seat.

A few minutes later, Rupple crashed the car into the back of a livery cab at the intersection of West 30th Street and 10th Avenue injuring the cab driver’s back and neck, and damaging the back of his car, according to court records.

Rupple then allegedly sped away from the scene, then pulled over a few blocks later to switch seats with Zangrilli. Zangrilli continued driving the vehicle northbound.

The cab driver signaled for help from a uniformed officer in a marked police vehicle, prosecutors stated. As the light turned green, Zangrilli began to drive away, with the cab driver following closely behind. The officer then pulled Zangrilli’s car over, while the victim continued to follow.

The uniformed officer instructed the cab driver to submit an accident report at a police precinct after he informed her that both Zangrilli and Rupple were intoxicated and had fled the scene of the accident, according to court documents.

In the presence of the officer, and even after she left, Zangrilli allegedly repeatedly offered the victim $500 and $1,000 instead of exchanging insurance information.

The victim called 911 to report the incident. Meanwhile, Zangrilli contacted a duty captain to come to the scene. Zangrilli falsely claimed to the captain that he was driving to work when the collision happened and that he pulled over safely as soon as he could.

He didn’t mention that Rupple, who was now hiding away from the scene, had been in the car or that they had been drinking.

The Captain told an NYPD inspector about the incident and, believing Zangrilli’s allegedly false story, told a sergeant to fill out the collision report.

Later, Zangrilli drove with Rupple to the 5th Precinct. Zangrilli allegedly signed in for work there and then called the owner of American Whiskey, asking him to delete the security camera footage from that night. The video technician deleted the footage the next morning, according to court documents.

The NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau (“IAB”) was notified of the situation and at around 10:50 p.m., Zangrilli falsely told an inspector that he had gone to his Rockland County home, according to court documents.

When the IAB arrived at his home around midnight to check if he was fit for duty and not intoxicated, Zangrilli wasn’t there. He was later found at Rupple’s apartment. Several days later, IAB executed a search warrant for American Whiskey’s video surveillance system. IAB and the DA’s Office were able to recover and extract the video surveillance footage from the day of the incident, prosecutors said.

Zangrilli is now charged with tampering with physical evidence, falsifying business records in the first degree, offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree, obstructing governmental administration in the second degree, official misconduct, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, and operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol.

Rupple is charged with operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and leaving the scene of an incident without reporting, with personal injury."

The entire story can be read at:



FINAL WORD:  (Applicable to all of our wrongful conviction cases):  "Whenever there is a wrongful conviction, it exposes errors in our criminal legal system, and we hope that this case — and lessons from it — can prevent future injustices."

Lawyer Radha Natarajan:

Executive Director: New England Innocence Project;


FINAL, FINAL WORD: "Since its inception, the Innocence Project has pushed the criminal legal system to confront and correct the laws and policies that cause and contribute to wrongful convictions.   They never shied away from the hard cases — the ones involving eyewitness identifications, confessions, and bite marks. Instead, in the course of presenting scientific evidence of innocence, they've exposed the unreliability of evidence that was, for centuries, deemed untouchable." So true!

Christina Swarns: Executive Director: The Innocence Project;



David Hammond, one of Broadwater's attorneys who sought his exoneration, told the Syracuse Post-Standard, "Sprinkle some junk science onto a faulty identification, and it's the perfect recipe for a wrongful conviction.
