The Buckinghamshire Advertiser reports today that Keran Henderson's appeal is finally under way in a story that runs under the heading: "Jailed Iver childminder launches appeal."
"Keran Henderson, the Iver childminder jailed for the manslaughter of a baby in her care in 2007, begun her bid to have her conviction overturned at the Appeal Court today," the story, by reporter Greg Burns begins;
"Henderson, 43, of Pinewood Green, was jailed in November 2007 after being found guilty of shaking 11 month old Maeve Sheppard to death," the story continues;
"Her defence team argued that Maeve had been ill before she died.
And today (11/3) Henderson's lawyers launched a formal appeal at the Court of Appeal, in central London, claiming that the jury's decision in the case could be questioned because of certain aspects of the medical evidence."
Stay tune to the Charles Smith Blog for updates on the appeal;
Harold Levy...hlevy15@gmail.com;