Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Robert Roberson: Death Row: Texas: Death Penalty Information Center analysis of the extraordinary hearing before House lawmakers: "Testimony at Texas legislature does not include Robert Roberson but witnesses confirm serious concerns about the possible execution of an innocent Man."…"Both Mr. Grisham and Dr. Phil noted the prejudicial effect of having the jury hear about allegations of sexual abuse – allegations made by just one hospital staff member and never proven. Mr. Grisham said he believes Mr. Roberson should receive a new trial, “with as many lawyers as the prosecution, and as many experts as the prosecution” so he will have a fair proceeding. Mr. Grisham also described why “junk science is a huge factor” that causes wrongful convictions, and noted the many exonerations that have occurred after forensic science was revealed to be unreliable.

PASSAGE OF THE DAY: "Terry Compton, one of the jurors at Mr. Roberson’s trial, testified that the “only thing” jurors were told by prosecutors was that Nikki’s death was caused by “shaken baby syndrome”(SBS) – in contrast to recent statements from a Texas Attorney General pleading stating that “SBS just doesn’t play a role in this case.” Ms. Compton expressed being “very pissed off” at how officials now describe what happened at the trial; she added that she would have never voted to convict Mr. Roberson if any other explanation for Nikki’s death had been provided. Former Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Elsa Alcala, who has been critical of how Texas’ “junk science” law has been used, also testified at Monday’s hearing and offered suggestions about ways that the law could be changed."


ENTRY: Testimony at Texas Legislature Does Not Include Robert Roberson But Witnesses Confirm Serious Concerns about the Possible Execution of an Innocent Man," published by The Death Penalty Information Center, on October 21, 2024.

GIST: "The Texas House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence heard testimony on Monday October 21, 2024 from novelist John Grisham, talk show host “Dr. Phil” McGraw, but not its expected star witness, Robert Roberson, whose subpoenaed testimony resulted in a dramatic last-minute stay of execution on October 17th from the Texas Supreme Court. 

Legislators said they could not reach an agreement with the Office of the Texas Attorney General to facilitate Mr. Roberson’s in-person testimony, and Committee Chair Joe Moody indicated that legislators did not believe Mr. Roberson’s testimony via video link would be appropriate given the communications challenges related to his autism spectrum disorder.  

Mr. Roberson’s lawyer Gretchen Sween sent a letter to the House Committee explaining why Mr. Roberson’s appearance by video would not be effective and cited “material misrepresentations about record facts” by the Office of the Attorney General. Chair Moody noted that negotiations were continuing with his expectation that a “quick resolution” would allow Mr. Roberson to testify.

At the hearing, legislators heard from a number of witnesses who recounted the facts of the case and the conclusions of many experts that no crime caused the death of Mr. Roberson’s young daughter, Nikki. Dr. Phil testified for more than two hours, noting his prior work as a clinical psychologist and describing his support for the death penalty in general before expressing his absolute belief in Mr. Roberson’s innocence.  

Novelist John Grisham testified by video. Mr. Grisham noted his experience as a former criminal trial lawyer and a current board member at the New York-based Innocence Project. He described Mr. Roberson’s trial as “grossly unfair” and testified that the “junk science was terrible. We know it’s bad science.”

Both Mr. Grisham and Dr. Phil noted the prejudicial effect of having the jury hear about allegations of sexual abuse – allegations made by just one hospital staff member and never proven. Mr. Grisham said he believes Mr. Roberson should receive a new trial, “with as many lawyers as the prosecution, and as many experts as the prosecution” so he will have a fair proceeding. Mr. Grisham also described why “junk science is a huge factor” that causes wrongful convictions, and noted the many exonerations that have occurred after forensic science was revealed to be unreliable. 

Terry Compton, one of the jurors at Mr. Roberson’s trial, testified that the “only thing” jurors were told by prosecutors was that Nikki’s death was caused by “shaken baby syndrome”(SBS) – in contrast to recent statements from a Texas Attorney General pleading stating that “SBS just doesn’t play a role in this case.” Ms. Compton expressed being “very pissed off” at how officials now describe what happened at the trial; she added that she would have never voted to convict Mr. Roberson if any other explanation for Nikki’s death had been provided. Former Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Elsa Alcala, who has been critical of how Texas’ “junk science” law has been used, also testified at Monday’s hearing and offered suggestions about ways that the law could be changed."

The entire post ca be read at: 


PUBLISHER'S NOTE:  I am monitoring this case/issue/resource. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic"  section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: http://www.thestar.com/topic/charlessmith. Information on "The Charles Smith Blog Award"- and its nomination process - can be found at: http://smithforensic.blogspot.com/2011/05/charles-smith-blog-award-nominations.html Please send any comments or information on other cases and issues of interest to the readers of this blog to: hlevy15@gmail.com.  Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog.




    FINAL WORD:  (Applicable to all of our wrongful conviction cases):  "Whenever there is a wrongful conviction, it exposes errors in our criminal legal system, and we hope that this case — and lessons from it — can prevent future injustices."
    Lawyer Radha Natarajan:
    Executive Director: New England Innocence Project;

    FINAL, FINAL WORD: "Since its inception, the Innocence Project has pushed the criminal legal system to confront and correct the laws and policies that cause and contribute to wrongful convictions.   They never shied away from the hard cases — the ones involving eyewitness identifications, confessions, and bite marks. Instead, in the course of presenting scientific evidence of innocence, they've exposed the unreliability of evidence that was, for centuries, deemed untouchable." So true!

    Christina Swarns: Executive Director: The Innocence Project;

Alan Butts: National Registry of Exonerations: Recent Shaken Baby Syndrome entry which should be read by every Texas lawmaker before they hear from Robert Roberson at today's extraordinary hearing: (The sole -contributing factor in the Alan Butts case is described as 'false or misleading forensic science.')… "Butts said he had been playing a video game when Jaydyn raised his arms and fell over, hitting his head on the carpet. Paramedics began treating the boy 12 minutes after the call to 911. The boy had no pulse and no heart rate. He was intubated and ultimately received nine shots of epinephrine, a drug used to restart the heart. The paramedics got his heart started, but then it stopped. The boy was airlifted to Children’s Hospital in Columbus. While in flight, the boy’s heart stopped again and was restarted. Despite treatment, the following day, Jaydyn was taken off life support and died. The physicians who treated him, as well as the medical examiner who conducted an autopsy, concluded that the boy had died of a head injury as a result of Shaken Baby Syndrome. On February 18, 2002, Butts was arrested. He was eventually charged with first-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, felonious assault, and two counts of endangering a child. In March 2003, Butts went to trial in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas. The prosecution’s case rested primarily on the testimony of four medical experts."… On March 11, 2003, the jury convicted Butts of first-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, felonious assault, and endangering a child. He was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison."

 PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Today (Monday, September 21), Texas death row occupant  Robert Roberson is expected to appear in-person for testimony at the state Capitol on Monday after an unusual legal intervention by state lawmakers delayed his Thursday execution. I hope that every one of the lawmakers has the opportunity, before the hearing,  to read Judge Brown's ruling - in which he demonstrates so clearly how the medical community’s understanding of SBS/AHT (Shaken Baby Syndrome/ Abusive Head Trauma) has clearly changed since the time of [Butts’s] trial in 2003.” It is clear and incisive - and explains why Texas  would be making a terrible mistake if it defies science and kills an innocent man, which no lawmaker would want to do.

Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog.


PASSAGE OF THE DAY:  "In 2019, attorneys with the Center for Integrity in Forensic Sciences and the Ohio Innocence Project, as well as an attorney in private practice working pro bono, filed a petition to vacate Butts’ convictions. The petition cited expert testimony that the triad of symptoms were no longer considered to be exclusively caused by shaking a child. “The differential diagnosis for the triad of injuries has expanded,” the petition said. “It now includes a number of variables applicable to Jaydyn, including the effects of the short falls (such as Jaydyn’s hard fall in a porcelain tub in the days prior to his collapse) and of serious infection, such as pneumonia and sepsis, both of which Jaydyn suffered.” In May 2021, a six-day hearing was held during which defense experts testified, as did an expert for the prosecution. On November 10, 2022, Judge Jeffrey Brown vacated the convictions and ordered a new trial."


PASSAGE TWO OF THE DAY: "Judge Brown ruled that “the medical community’s understanding of SBS/AHT has clearly changed since the time of [Butts’s] trial in 2003.” Judge Brown noted that at the time of Butts’s trial, retinal Hemorrhages were presented as the “smoking gun” of SBS. “The State now agrees, however, that such testimony was incorrect and can no longer be supported by science,” the judge ruled. “This shift in understanding by the medical community raises a strong probability of a different result on retrial.” The judge ruled that the defense “demonstrated that, if tried today, the expert testimony presented on both sides would differ in the following ways: (1) experts could not categorically exclude a short fall as a cause of death; (2) experts could not rule out the possibility of a lucid interval; (3) today, retinal optic nerve sheath hemorrhages could not be the basis of an SBS/AHT diagnosis; (4) today, doctors know that infection and pneumonia could have been contributing factors in Jaydyn's death; (5) today, the toxicity of over-the-counter cold medicines in pediatric patients is known and understood; and (6) biomechanical research conducted since the trial shows that shaking a child Jaydyn’s size hard enough to cause brain injury would have also caused neck injury, a symptom never noted by any physician at or prior to trial.”  On December 8, 2022, Butts was released from prison on bond pending a retrial. On August 1, 2023, the Ohio Tenth District Court of Appeals denied a motion by prosecutors for permission to appeal Judge Brown’s decision. On February 12, 2024, the prosecution dismissed the case."


NATIONAL REGISTRY OF EXONERATION ENTRY:  Alan Butts: Columbus  Ohio: Shaken Baby Syndrome; Written by Maurice Possley. Contributing factors: False or misleading forensic evidence: Posted on February 21, 2024.  

GIST: "Shortly after 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 13, 2002, Columbus, Ohio police were called to the home of Beth Unger by her boyfriend, 21-year-old Alan Butts, who said that Unger’s two-year-old son, Jaydyn, was unconscious. One officer began administering CPR while the other officer questioned Butts. 

Butts said he had been playing a video game when Jaydyn raised his arms and fell over, hitting his head on the carpet. Paramedics began treating the boy 12 minutes after the call to 911. The boy had no pulse and no heart rate. He was intubated and ultimately received nine shots of epinephrine, a drug used to restart the heart. The paramedics got his heart started, but then it stopped. The boy was airlifted to Children’s Hospital in Columbus.

While in flight, the boy’s heart stopped again and was restarted. Despite treatment, the following day, Jaydyn was taken off life support and died. The physicians who treated him, as well as the medical examiner who conducted an autopsy, concluded that the boy had died of a head injury as a result of Shaken Baby Syndrome. 

On February 18, 2002, Butts was arrested. He was eventually charged with first-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, felonious assault, and two counts of endangering a child.

In March 2003, Butts went to trial in the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas. The prosecution’s case rested primarily on the testimony of four medical experts. 

Sean Condron, a friend of Butts, testified that he went to the house at approximately 1:00 p.m. to play Sony PlayStation with Butts. Condron said Jayden was a little “fussy,” but that he saw the boy eat a cookie and drink some juice before Condron left at approximately 2:30 p.m. 

Dr. Charles Johnson, a child abuse expert, testified that he had been called in to consult on the case after the boy arrived at Children’s Hospital. He said he reviewed the hospital chart; discussed the x-rays with a pediatric neuroradiologist; examined Jaydyn; spoke to the charge nurse, Jaydyn’s mother, the maternal grandparents, and two aunts; looked at the x-rays and CT scans; and reviewed the laboratory work. 

Dr. Johnson testified that the CT scan showed edema, which meant swelling or fluid; subdural blood, which was bleeding under the covering of the brain, between the dura and the brain; and swelling of one side of the brain. Jaydyn also had hypoxic injury to his lungs and bowels, as the result of oxygen deprivation. 

Dr. Johnson testified that he would not expect a fall to the floor to cause a child to be unconscious, have a seizure, or die, nor would he expect optic nerve hemorrhages or a constellation of subdural hemorrhages and retinal hemorrhages. He said a standing fall to the floor could not have been the cause of the injuries because there was an insufficient distance to the floor, there was no evidence of external injury, no fracture, and no epidural hemorrhage.

Dr. Johnson believed the injury occurred after the time that Jaydyn ate a cookie and juice because, after suffering an injury of such severity, he would not expect a person to be capable of sophisticated neurofunction. He said Jayden would have been unconscious within seconds or minutes of the injury. 

Dr. Johnson was asked whether—if Jayden had fallen and hit his head on a porcelain bathtub and experienced several other falls in that prior week—the cumulative effect of the falls was a concern. He said the cumulative effect would not lead to death. 

Dr. Johnson concluded that the history that was given to him did not explain the injuries, and he believed Jayden experienced a non-accidental head injury with primarily an acceleration-deceleration component—Shaken Baby Syndrome. 

Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is a term coined to describe a condition first articulated in 1971. SBS is said to arise when an infant is shaken so hard that the brain rotates inside the skull, causing severe and potentially deadly brain injury, but often without any external signs of harm. SBS is said to involve a telltale “triad” of symptoms—brain swelling, brain hemorrhaging, and retinal hemorrhaging. When present in an infant who has no outward signs of abuse, this triad of symptoms supposedly indicates that the child has been violently shaken. According to proponents of the theory, no other injuries or pathologies could cause these three symptoms to occur at the same time. Moreover, it was thought that a victim of SBS became unresponsive immediately, and therefore the last person to have physical care of the baby must have caused the injuries.

Jaydyn’s treating pediatric surgeon at Children’s Hospital, Dr. Jonathan Groner, testified that Jaydyn’s injuries to his brain as seen on his CT scan and injuries to his eyes were not consistent with a fall from standing height. He believed the boy’s injuries would have been immediately incapacitating. He also stated that several falls in the week before Jayden’s death would not have caused the optic nerve hemorrhages or the retinal hemorrhages.

Dr. Karla Hauersperger, attending physician at Children’s Hospital, described Jayden’s condition upon arrival at the hospital and the procedures which were performed. She stated that the head CT scan showed that there was blood collection around the surface of the brain and into the different folds of the brain and diffused cerebral edema or swelling of the brain. Jayden also had retinal hemorrhages to both eyes. The paramedics’ report listed in the history that Jaydyn had slipped and fallen, but Dr. Hauersperger testified that the history and the degree of injury were incompatible. Her conclusion was that Jaydyn sustained a non-accidental head injury, most consistent with Shaken Baby Syndrome, and the injury would have been immediately incapacitating. 

Chief Forensic Pathologist and Franklin County Deputy Coroner Patrick M. Fardahl, a board certified forensic pathologist who conducted the autopsy on Jaydyn, testified that Jayden had some bruises, an ill-defined area of hemorrhage into soft tissues around his left ear, an area of hemorrhage that was ill-defined in the right occipital scalp in the back of his head, subdural hematoma or hemorrhage, cerebral edema, hemorrhage around the spinal cord which was probably due to being on his back at the hospital, hemorrhage in the sheath around both optic nerves, and hemorrhage into his retina in the left eye. Dr. Fardahl testified that it was highly unlikely that the injuries could have been caused by a fall because there was no point of impact where he hit his head, and, to cause such injuries by a fall, the fall had to have been from a height greater than five to 10 feet. Dr. Fardahl believed that Jaydyn’s injuries were caused by shaken baby or shaken impact syndrome, where the child hits something while being shaken. The information about prior falls by Jayden did not alter his opinion because there was no evidence of any significant head trauma from prior falls. 

Jaydyn’s mother, Beth Unger, testified that she had known Butts for more than two years. She said he had moved in with her and Jaydyn earlier in the year. Butts babysat while she worked. She said that Jaydyn had been sick for about a week prior to his death. She said he had been dizzy, not as talkative, not as active, falling more often, and just not acting like himself. She had been giving him cold medication. She said she and Butts had discussed taking Jaydyn to the doctor, but she had not taken him yet. She said that about a week to 10 days before he died, Jaydyn had slipped in the bathtub while taking a bath and struck his head. 

Unger said Butts acted in a very loving way towards Jaydyn and treated him as if he were his own son. She never saw Butts do anything abusive or inappropriate, and Jaydyn called him “Dad.” Butts testified that Jaydyn had fallen in the bathtub five to seven days prior to the incident and there followed a dramatic change in his behavior. He said Jaydyn did not eat or talk as much, and he wanted to be held more often. 

On February 13, he and Jaydyn took Unger to work, and, after they returned, Condron visited. After playing video games. Condron left. Not long after, Jaydyn fell over and was unresponsive.

Butts testified that he loved Jaydyn, and he did not injure, shake, or strike him. 

Dr. John Plunkett, a laboratory and medical education director at Regina Hospital in Hastings, Minnesota, who was board certified in anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, and forensic pathology, testified for the defense. Dr. Plunkett reviewed copies of Jaydyn’s medical records from Children’s Hospital, the autopsy report, photographs, and slides. 

Dr. Plunkett testified that the concept of SBS was scientifically invalid because one could not cause the injuries usually associated with SBS by shaking a child. He believed that the theory of retinal bleeding being a sign of shaken baby syndrome was not a valid assessment. 

Dr. Plunkett testified that he reviewed the readings of the CT scans, but not the CT scans themselves, and testified there was a loss of gray/white matter distinction in the brain, something that occurs or is seen 12 to 24 or more hours after an injury or event. He said that the CT scan strongly suggested that the brain swelling started 12 to 24 hours or more prior to Jaydyn’s admission to the hospital. Dr. Plunkett testified that the boy’s cause of death was brain swelling probably due to impact injury and may have been complicated by pneumonia. He testified that Jaydyn’s behavior the week before, which included not eating, being fussy, and lack of coordination, were consistent with a pre-existing head injury possibly suffered from the fall in the bathtub. 

Dr. Plunkett testified that he did not think that Jayden died of SBS because Butts would have needed to generate 2,400 pounds of force to cause such injuries based on Jaydyn’s weight of 30 pounds. Dr. Plunkett said that the brain swelling was the result of oxygen deprivation, which he said was lengthy.

During cross-examination, Dr. Plunkett admitted that his opinion was contrary to what had been taught in medical schools since 1972, was contrary to the views of the American Pediatric Academy, and that an overwhelming majority of pediatricians disagreed with his opinion. 

On March 11, 2003, the jury convicted Butts of first-degree murder, involuntary manslaughter, felonious assault, and endangering a child. He was sentenced to 15 years to life in prison.

There followed years of legal battles to overturn the convictions. In March 2004, the Tenth Appellate District of the Ohio Court of Appeals affirmed the convictions. A federal petition for a writ of habeas corpus was filed and denied.

In 2019, attorneys with the Center for Integrity in Forensic Sciences and the Ohio Innocence Project, as well as an attorney in private practice working pro bono, filed a petition to vacate Butts’ convictions.

The petition cited expert testimony that the triad of symptoms were no longer considered to be exclusively caused by shaking a child. “The differential diagnosis for the triad of injuries has expanded,” the petition said. “It now includes a number of variables applicable to Jaydyn, including the effects of the short falls (such as Jaydyn’s hard fall in a porcelain tub in the days prior to his collapse) and of serious infection, such as pneumonia and sepsis, both of which Jaydyn suffered.”

In May 2021, a six-day hearing was held during which defense experts testified, as did an expert for the prosecution. On November 10, 2022, Judge Jeffrey Brown vacated the convictions and ordered a new trial.

Dr. Roland Auer noted for the defense, “Since Mr. Butts’ conviction, new evidence has emerged as a result of scientific publications that would cause a sea change in the trial dynamic if it were held today. This new type of evidence deals with an expanded differential diagnosis of the type of injuries discovered in Jaydyn at autopsy, the knowledge that short falls can and do cause death, the now known possibility of a lucid interval, and the effects of advanced resuscitation efforts. Although the scientific principles behind some of this evidence were in place at the time, the science was not part of the medicine at the time, and no differential diagnosis was in place for the medical community in 2003 at the time of Mr. Butts’ trial.”

The prosecution’s witness at the hearing, Dr. Lori Frasier, acknowledged the state of the medical literature was significantly different in 2003 as compared to 2018, when a consensus statement on “Abusive Head Trauma” (AHT) was issued, supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as numerous physicians and experts. The paper retreated from the position that retinal hemorrhage could only be caused by shaking a baby and that abuse could be presumed from intracranial injury. 

Judge Brown ruled that “the medical community’s understanding of SBS/AHT has clearly changed since the time of [Butts’s] trial in 2003.”

Judge Brown noted that at the time of Butts’s trial, retinal Hemorrhages were presented as the “smoking gun” of SBS. “The State now agrees, however, that such testimony was incorrect and can no longer be supported by science,” the judge ruled. “This shift in understanding by the medical community raises a strong probability of a different result on retrial.”

The judge ruled that the defense “demonstrated that, if tried today, the expert testimony presented on both sides would differ in the following ways: (1) experts could not categorically exclude a short fall as a cause of death; (2) experts could not rule out the possibility of a lucid interval; (3) today, retinal optic nerve sheath hemorrhages could not be the basis of an SBS/AHT diagnosis; (4) today, doctors know that infection and pneumonia could have been contributing factors in Jaydyn's death; (5) today, the toxicity of over-the-counter cold medicines in pediatric patients is known and understood; and (6) biomechanical research conducted since the trial shows that shaking a child Jaydyn’s size hard enough to cause brain injury would have also caused neck injury, a symptom never noted by any physician at or prior to trial.” 

On December 8, 2022, Butts was released from prison on bond pending a retrial. On August 1, 2023, the Ohio Tenth District Court of Appeals denied a motion by prosecutors for permission to appeal Judge Brown’s decision.

On February 12, 2024, the prosecution dismissed the case."

The entire entry can be read at;

PUBLISHER'S NOTE:  I am monitoring this case/issue/resource. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic"  section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: http://www.thestar.com/topic/charlessmith. Information on "The Charles Smith Blog Award"- and its nomination process - can be found at: http://smithforensic.blogspot.com/2011/05/charles-smith-blog-award-nominations.html Please send any comments or information on other cases and issues of interest to the readers of this blog to: hlevy15@gmail.com.  Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog.




    FINAL WORD:  (Applicable to all of our wrongful conviction cases):  "Whenever there is a wrongful conviction, it exposes errors in our criminal legal system, and we hope that this case — and lessons from it — can prevent future injustices."
    Lawyer Radha Natarajan:
    Executive Director: New England Innocence Project;

    FINAL, FINAL WORD: "Since its inception, the Innocence Project has pushed the criminal legal system to confront and correct the laws and policies that cause and contribute to wrongful convictions.   They never shied away from the hard cases — the ones involving eyewitness identifications, confessions, and bite marks. Instead, in the course of presenting scientific evidence of innocence, they've exposed the unreliability of evidence that was, for centuries, deemed untouchable." So true!

    Christina Swarns: Executive Director: The Innocence Project;

Monday, October 21, 2024

Robert Roberson: Death Row: Texas. An early report on today's extraordinary hearing, reported by Staff Writer Robin Bradshaw, published by The Beaumont Enterprise, on October 21, 2024…"Despite the state’s continued push for execution, the committee proceeded with testimonies from several key witnesses. Among them were Phillip C. McGraw (known publicly as Dr. Phil), author and former criminal attorney John Grisham, and Terri Compton, a juror from Roberson’s original trial in East Texas in the early 2000s."

PASSAGE OF THE DAY: " During the committee meeting, Rep. Brian Harrison shared comments from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on the case and his office's efforts to proceed with execution.  On record, Harrison stated that Paxton’s office issued a statement that the evidence in Roberson’s case concludes that Nikki died of multiple blunt force impacts to the child’s head. In addition, a history of the evidence showed a pattern of abuse against the child and that the shaken baby syndrome was not the central feature of the case.  A claim the juror denied during testimony.  “The entire case was centered around the shaken baby syndrome,” Compton said during testimony."


STORY: "Texas lawmakers uphold hearing of death row inmate Robert Roberson," by Staff Writer Robin Bradshaw, published by Beaumont Enterprise, on October 21, 2024. (Robin Bradshaw is a digital reporter. A Texas native, she graduated from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi with a bachelor of applied science in legal studies. She was a reporter for Gannett in South Texas before her role at Hearst. She covers an array of story angles.)

SUB-HEADING: "Texas lawmakers proceed with hearing after Robert Roberson denied chance to speak."

GIST: "After a week of twists and turns in the Texas death row case of autistic inmate Robert Roberson, the Texas House of Representatives held a criminal jurisprudence committee hearing on Oct. 21, where Roberson was expected to testify under subpoena, but was ultimately denied the opportunity.

Roberson has spent two decades on death row for the murder of his 2-year-old daughter, Nikki, under the now-debunked theory of shaken baby syndrome. If executed, Roberson would have been the first inmate put to death under this theory, which many experts have discredited.

The case has gained global attention as state lawmakers challenge the courts in what could become a landmark case for wrongful convictions. This effort garnered significant bipartisan support from state leaders, and Brian Wharton, the lead detective in the case, along with doctors and scientists who claim there is strong evidence of Roberson’s innocence.

During Roberson's scheduled execution on Oct. 17, Texas lawmakers made an unprecedented move by filing a subpoena with the Texas Supreme Court to halt his execution and compel his testimony during the committee hearing on Monday. 

Despite the state’s continued push for execution, the committee proceeded with testimonies from several key witnesses. Among them were Phillip C. McGraw (known publicly as Dr. Phil), author and former criminal attorney John Grisham, and Terri Compton, a juror from Roberson’s original trial in East Texas in the early 2000s.

During the committee meeting, Rep. Brian Harrison shared comments from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on the case and his office's efforts to proceed with execution. 

On record, Harrison stated that Paxton’s office issued a statement that the evidence in Roberson’s case concludes that Nikki died of multiple blunt force impacts to the child’s head. In addition, a history of the evidence showed a pattern of abuse against the child and that the shaken baby syndrome was not the central feature of the case. 

A claim the juror denied during testimony. 

“The entire case was centered around the shaken baby syndrome,” Compton said during testimony.

McGraw, a supporter of the death penalty, shared his views on the case and made the argument about the importance of this case and Roberson not having the proper due process and a fair trial under the law. 

“This is not just about the man but also about the process,” McGraw said during testimony. “If the state cannot apply the law properly, then there should be no right to uphold the death penalty.” 

In 2013, Texas became the first state to create a legal avenue for prisoners to challenge wrongful convictions by citing changes in forensic science. 

Known as the Junk Science Bill, the law allows inmates to argue that discredited forensic methods, like shaken baby syndrome, have an opportunity for new and fair trials. However, early reports suggest that obtaining new trials under this law has been difficult, adding that, to date, zero death row inmates in Texas have successfully been granted a new trial under the law.

The committee is now focused on why the courts have not applied the 2013 law to address potential wrongful convictions like Roberson’s.

This is a developing story.

The entire story can be read at: 



My pick for most persuasive evidence at today's hearing: It relates to one of the  jurors who convicted Robert Roberson of murder: (HL);

From the House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee hearing: Texas State Represetative Brian Harrison (Republican Party);

🚨🚨 Juror in #RobertRoberson’s trial just testified that she now believes he is INNOCENT, that the entire case against him was 'shaken baby syndrome' - not beating - and that the jury did not have all the evidence. 'I keep being told to believe the jury. So I went and found an actual juror from 2003. She couldn’t wait to testify. Here’s what she had to say: (Thrust of her evidence;)

Fact: this was ONLY a shaken baby case. 

Fact: the prosecution never gave evidence that Nikki was beaten. 

 Fact: the jury knew nothing about the severity of Nikki’s illness and her extensive history of illness. 

 Fact: the jury did NOT hear everything they needed to in order to make a correct decision in this case.

 Fact: this juror, having learned the new scientific evidence, now believes Robert is INNOCENT and would NOT have voted to convict.

 I believe this juror, who knows more about the trial than those opining on Twitter. Justice demands a new trial."


PUBLISHER'S NOTE:  I am monitoring this case/issue/resource. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic"  section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: http://www.thestar.com/topic/charlessmith. Information on "The Charles Smith Blog Award"- and its nomination process - can be found at: http://smithforensic.blogspot.com/2011/05/charles-smith-blog-award-nominations.html Please send any comments or information on other cases and issues of interest to the readers of this blog to: hlevy15@gmail.com.  Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog.




    FINAL WORD:  (Applicable to all of our wrongful conviction cases):  "Whenever there is a wrongful conviction, it exposes errors in our criminal legal system, and we hope that this case — and lessons from it — can prevent future injustices."
    Lawyer Radha Natarajan:
    Executive Director: New England Innocence Project;

    FINAL, FINAL WORD: "Since its inception, the Innocence Project has pushed the criminal legal system to confront and correct the laws and policies that cause and contribute to wrongful convictions.   They never shied away from the hard cases — the ones involving eyewitness identifications, confessions, and bite marks. Instead, in the course of presenting scientific evidence of innocence, they've exposed the unreliability of evidence that was, for centuries, deemed untouchable." So true!

    Christina Swarns: Executive Director: The Innocence Project;