"The victim whose accusations led to the first charges being laid against Levin has filed a lawsuit claiming $5-million in damages.
Named in the suit – Dr. Aubrey Levin himself, the Peter Lougheed Centre, The Alberta College of Physicians, Alberta Justice and the Attorney General and Chief of Police Rick Hanson.
“I believe they are responsible. I shouldn’t even have met this man and I was court ordered to go see him. I think it was a chain of command and it should have went through properly and eventually something done about it.”
The lawsuit alleged there were prior complaints that weren’t properly investigated and the victim wants financial compensation for what he’s been through."
BACKGROUND: Dr. Aubrey Levin, 71, was first arrested and charged March 23 after allegations that a 36-year-old patient was repeatedly sexually assaulted. Calgary Police said that following that charge, “the sex crimes unit was approached by numerous people alleging they, too, were Sexually assaulted by Levin during counselling sessions or court-ordered visits. These assaults allegedly occurred at Levin's Peter Lougheed (hospital) office or examination rooms. Dr. Levin has now been charged with 20 additional counts of sexual assault involving 20 other patients.
"CALGARY – A local man who says he was sexually assaulted by a prominent forensic psychiatrist has launched a multi-million dollar lawsuit," the Global News story filed on August 18, 2011 under the heading, "Alleged abuse victim of former Calgary psychiatrist files multi-million dollar lawsuit," begins.
"The victim is one of many accusing Aubrey Levin of abuse," the story continues.
"Levin has been ordered to stand trial on ten counts of sexual assault. He’s accused of assaulting male patients who had been court ordered to see him.
The victim whose accusations led to the first charges being laid against Levin has filed a lawsuit claiming $5-million in damages.
Named in the suit – Dr. Aubrey Levin himself, the Peter Lougheed Centre, The Alberta College of Physicians, Alberta Justice and the Attorney General and Chief of Police Rick Hanson.
“I believe they are responsible. I shouldn’t even have met this man and I was court ordered to go see him. I think it was a chain of command and it should have went through properly and eventually something done about it.”
The lawsuit alleged there were prior complaints that weren’t properly investigated and the victim wants financial compensation for what he’s been through.
“To hold him accountable, the damages; I’ve been in an out of prison since seeing him.”
“I feel I could have recovered and had a successful life.”
The lawsuit cites counselling and medication expenses. The victim is asking for money to compensate for a loss of income and other damages.
Levin is scheduled to be arraigned on Friday on the 10 counts of sexual assault he’s currently facing.
Global News has been told the actual defendants’ named haven’t been officially served with the documents."
The story can be found at:
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be accessed at:
For a breakdown of some of the cases, issues and controversies this Blog is currently following, please turn to:
Harold Levy: Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog; hlevy15@gmail.com;