Troy Davis Continuing Updates
By Jeralyn, Section Death Penalty
Posted on Wed Sep 21, 2011 at 02:34:30 PM EST
Troy Davis is scheduled for execution at 7:00 pm ET. Here are some continuous updates:
5:30 pm ET: Court denies stay motion for Troy Davis. He declines to record a last statement. His last options are the GA Supreme Court and US Supreme Court.
5:15 ET: Former GA prison wardens urge Governor and Prison to allow staff to opt out of executing Troy Davis.
[We] urge you to unburden yourselves and your staff from the pain of participating in such a questionable execution to the extent possible by allowing any personnel so inclined to opt-out of activities related to the execution of Troy Anthony Davis.
3:30 pm ET: Troy Davis' attorneys filed an appeal today in the Butts County Superior Court, the county where Troy is being held for execution tonight. The state's Attorney General has filed a motion in opposition, alleging the defense is engaging in delay tactics.[More...]
The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles has refused to reconsider its rejection of his clemency bid. It also refused a defense request today to allow Troy to take a polygraph.
Here's is Troy Davis' last letter to supporters.
Here is a list of vigils being held today around the country.
The Guardian: Ten reasons Troy Davis should not be executed.
Here is Judge William T. Moore's 174 page order denying Troy a new trial. Here is a recap of the hearing.
The schedule:
* 4 p.m.: Last meal offered.
* 5 p.m.: Opportunity to record final statement.
* 6 p.m.: An optional sedative will be offered.
* 7 p.m.: Execution,
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