COMMENTARY: "Full Court Press: SJC gives shaken-baby defenses a major boost," by columnist Bob McGovern, published by the Boston Herald on June 4, 2016.
PHOTO CAPTION: "State Supreme Judicial Court Chief Justice Ralph Gants, above, yesterday ordered a new trial for Oswelt Millien, who had been convicted of abusing his daughter in a ‘shaken-baby’ case."
jury is still out on shaken baby syndrome, but the Supreme Judicial
Court made one thing clear yesterday — the controversial diagnosis has
flaws that any competent attorney should be able to pick apart. In
ordering a new trial for Oswelt Millien yesterday, the unanimous court
didn’t throw out the science or chastise those doctors who stand by the
embattled diagnosis. Instead, it told defense attorneys that there is a
road map to reasonable doubt lined with experts, articles and scholarly
treatises. “By vacating the defendant’s convictions in this case
and ordering a new trial, we do not claim to have resolved the ongoing
medical controversy as to how often the triad of symptoms of abusive
head trauma are caused by accidental short falls or other medical
causes,” SJC Chief Justice Ralph Gants wrote. “We are simply recognizing
that there is a vigorous debate on this subject.” Although
Millien was convicted of assaulting his baby, the SJC threw out the
verdicts and ordered a new trial because his attorney didn’t put one
expert on the stand. Instead, the jury heard the testimony of
state experts — including Dr. Alice Newton, whose shaken-baby diagnoses
have been challenged by doctors and lawyers in the past. Middlesex
District Attorney Marian T. Ryan’s office isn’t sure if it’s going to
go ahead and retry the case. If she didn’t, who could blame her? The
office dropped charges in the infamous case of Aisling Brady McCarthy —
an Irish nanny who sat behind bars for more than two years after she
was accused of shaking a baby to death. Ryan’s office also dropped
charges against Geoffrey Wilson, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology
employee who was accused of killing his own son. In each case,
the shaken -baby science was taken to task, and each time the state
realized it couldn’t meet its burden. Yesterday, Gants went an extra
step and gave attorneys heaps of information to use if and when they are
defending a shaken-baby case. In one footnote alone, Gants spent 400 words describing numerous scholarly articles that cast doubt on the diagnosis. “A
defense expert could have assisted a competent defense attorney in
mounting a significant challenge at trial on cross-examination by
identifying the methodological shortcomings of the studies they cited,”
Gants wrote..." And the debate is far from over. The SJC is still mulling the case of Derick
Epps, who in 2007 was convicted of assault and battery on a child via
another shaken-baby diagnosis. He’s supported by briefs filed by civil rights groups, public defenders and doctors. The commonwealth, meanwhile, has no one in its corner.
The entire commentary can be found at:
Link to the entire decision: Commonwealth V Millien:"oswelt+millien"+and+decision
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