Monday, August 12, 2019

Back in action: Catch-up: Dr. Henry Lee: Part Two; Connecticut: Law Prof David Cameron calls for a mechanism in which prosecutor's who fail to correct the testimony of expert witnesses such as Dr. Henry Lee - and rely on the false testimony of other witnesses such as jailhouse informants - cannot be held accountable for their misconduct...""The fact that the prosecutor in this case failed to correct Lee’s testimony and relied on the false testimony of other witnesses points to the need for some mechanism through which prosecutors can be held accountable when their actions, or inactions, deprive a defendant of his or her right to a fair trial. Last year, New York became the first state in the country to establish a Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct. It has the authority to review a complaint of prosecutorial misconduct and, as part of that review, can compel the production of documents and require the testimony of prosecutors and others. Connecticut should consider creating such a commission."

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Shortly before taking a brief break for a writing assignment the American celebrity forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee burst into the headlines with accusation that he had botched evidence in several murder trials. My last post on Henry Lee  before temporarily closing shop (Friday July 12, 2109)  bore the following note: "Dr. Henry Lee: Connecticut: The famed forensic scientist is defending his work in the 1985 murder case that helped send Wendal(l) Hasan to prison, NBC Connecticut reports..."Now, a third convicted murderer, Wendal(l) Hasan, is asking the court to review his case based on a key piece of evidence that Dr. Lee testified about. Hasan has been in prison since 1986 for the murder of George Tyler in his Darien home. At the time, Dr. Lee said he tested a pair of Puma sneakers and found the victim’s blood. When the sneakers were retested in July of 2014, the state police forensic lab found the stains were not blood. On Thursday, Dr. Lee said he stands by his testing and testimony." Because my experience with the Charles Smith cases had taught me that incompetent experts seldom mess up just one or two cases - and Lee had probably given given his expert opinion in thousands of them - I vowed upon my return to return to Dr. Lee on my return and follow developments closely. So here we go.

Harold  Levy:  Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog.


PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Professor Cameron's commentary on the Henry Lee case  focuses on an issue that is often ignored: The relationship between a prosecutor and the expert witness he or she is calling. What must a prosecutor do when his expert witness, such as Lee,  is misstating the evidence, or otherwise misleading the judge or the jury. Journalists such as myself who covered the Charles Smith cases often wondered how the prosecutor, an officer of the court,  could remain quiet  - and leave the  evidence uncorrected - knowing how utter influential  Smith was with jurors. This was inviting a wrongful conviction.  The reality, I suppose, with Smith and with Lee, was that by the time they were testifying, both had testified in countless cases. This was the proverbial deck of cards. If one case went belly up the whole deck could tumble, leaving a criminal justice system in tatters, calls for independent inquiries, and  dozens, is not hundreds of appeals (which is precisely what happened  in the Smith situation and could happen with respect to Lee.

Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog.


PASSAGE OF THE DAY: "Last month, the Supreme Court reversed the habeas judge and ordered new trials for the men. It concluded the men’s due process right to a fair trial was violated by the state’s failure to correct the trial testimony of Henry C. Lee, at the time the director of the State Police Forensic Science Laboratory. Lee, shown a photograph of two towels hanging near the sink of an upstairs bathroom, said he did some field tests on a red smear on one of the towels that were positive and consistent with blood and that “subsequently that smear was identified to be blood.” The lab had not in fact tested the smear and when it did, years later, it found it wasn’t blood. Carr was hit on the head seven times, stabbed 27 times and his throat was cut. Despite the bloody crime scene, there was no trace evidence of blood in the Buick sedan the young men had driven that evening or on them or their clothes. The state used the supposedly-bloodstained towel to support its theory that the reason investigators found no trace evidence of the crime in the men’s car or on the men or their clothes was because they had cleaned up after the crime. The habeas judge concluded Lee’s testimony, even if incorrect, was immaterial because the state’s case didn’t rest on forensic evidence. But the judge ignored the fact that, even if Lee’s incorrect testimony was disregarded  there was ample evidence the men were wrongfully convicted. There was no forensic evidence of any kind — fingerprints, hairs, fibers, blood, DNA — linking them to the crime. The only “evidence” was statements by several individuals implicating them in the crime."

PHOTO CAPTION: Sean Henning and Ralph Birch were convicted of murder in 1989. The state Supreme Court overturned their convictions and they are making their first appearance back in Superior Court, where prosecutors must decide whether to retry the men.

GIST: "If a survey asked prosecutors and defense attorneys what they thought about the state’s habeas process, chances are both groups would express considerable dissatisfaction with it. Prosecutors would probably complain that many cases drag on for years, with multiple petitions for a new trial and often multiple habeas trials. And defense attorneys would probably complain that habeas judges often disregard evidence that, by any reasonable standard, casts doubt on a conviction. Both sides would find support for their views in the cases of Ralph “Ricky” Birch and Shawn Henning. They were convicted of murdering Everett Carr, 65, in New Milford in Dec. 1985. Birch, 18 at the time of the crime, and Henning, 17, were convicted of felony murder in 1989 and sentenced, respectively, to 55 years and 50 years. After the convictions were affirmed by the Supreme Court, the men filed several habeas petitions that were rejected, the latest in 2016. Last month, the Supreme Court reversed the habeas judge and ordered new trials for the men. It concluded the men’s due process right to a fair trial was violated by the state’s failure to correct the trial testimony of Henry C. Lee, at the time the director of the State Police Forensic Science Laboratory. Lee, shown a photograph of two towels hanging near the sink of an upstairs bathroom, said he did some field tests on a red smear on one of the towels that were positive and consistent with blood and that “subsequently that smear was identified to be blood.” The lab had not in fact tested the smear and when it did, years later, it found it wasn’t blood. Carr was hit on the head seven times, stabbed 27 times and his throat was cut. Despite the bloody crime scene, there was no trace evidence of blood in the Buick sedan the young men had driven that evening or on them or their clothes. The state used the supposedly-bloodstained towel to support its theory that the reason investigators found no trace evidence of the crime in the men’s car or on the men or their clothes was because they had cleaned up after the crime. The habeas judge concluded Lee’s testimony, even if incorrect, was immaterial because the state’s case didn’t rest on forensic evidence. But the judge ignored the fact that, even if Lee’s incorrect testimony was disregarded  there was ample evidence the men were wrongfully convicted. There was no forensic evidence of any kind — fingerprints, hairs, fibers, blood, DNA — linking them to the crime. The only “evidence” was statements by several individuals implicating them in the crime. But some testimony was recanted, and one jailhouse informant allegedly told acquaintances he’d lied to police. The Supreme Court remanded the cases to the habeas court with direction to grant Birch and Henning’s petitions for a new trial. But it’s doubtful, given the absence of any evidence linking them to the murder, the state will proceed with new trials. Instead, it should consider how to improve the flawed habeas process so that it doesn’t take multiple petitions and trials over three decades to address a shortcoming in a trial and so that it is more likely, when confronted with evidence of a wrongful conviction, to deliver justice rather than perpetuate injustice. The fact that the prosecutor in this case failed to correct Lee’s testimony and relied on the false testimony of other witnesses points to the need for some mechanism through which prosecutors can be held accountable when their actions, or inactions, deprive a defendant of his or her right to a fair trial. Last year, New York became the first state in the country to establish a Commission on Prosecutorial Conduct. It has the authority to review a complaint of prosecutorial misconduct and, as part of that review, can compel the production of documents and require the testimony of prosecutors and others. Connecticut should consider creating such a commission. The case also demonstrates the need for some mechanism to evaluate the reliability of the testimony of jailhouse informants, since such informants have an obvious incentive to tell investigators what they think the investigators want to hear. The New York-based Innocence Project has found that one of the leading contributing factors in the wrongful conviction of individuals who have been subsequently exonerated on the basis of DNA is the false testimony of a jailhouse informant; such testimony figured in nearly one-fifth of the 364 wrongful convictions that have been thrown out because of DNA evidence pointing to someone else as the perpetrator. Last year, Illinois became the first state to require pre-trial reliability hearings for jailhouse informants. Connecticut should do the same. Finally, the case points to the need for the judicial branch to address shortcomings in the state’s habeas process. It’s unacceptable that it is only now, 30 years after their conviction, that Henning and Birch have finally received a new trial in a case in which there is no credible evidence supporting their conviction and evidence of third-party culpability — and have received a new trial only because the Supreme Court reversed the habeas judge. Clearly, the habeas process needs improvement, not only to ensure a more efficient and timely resolution of petitions and trials but, most importantly, to ensure that, when presented with substantial evidence of a wrongful conviction, it delivers justice in the form of a new trial rather than perpetuates injustice."

The entire story can  be read at:

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I am monitoring this case/issue. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic"  section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: Information on "The Charles Smith Blog Award"- and its nomination process - can be found at: Please send any comments or information on other cases and issues of interest to the readers of this blog to:  Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog;