STORY: "Judge orders release of Jesse Friedman files," by reporter William Murphy, published on August 22, 2013. (Followed by a subsequent news report that an appeal judge has blocked release of the files!)
GIST: "A judge ordered Nassau County prosecutors Thursday to turn over virtually every scrap of paper on the Jesse Friedman case to the former defendant, who claims he was wrongly coerced into pleading guilty in 1988 to sexually molesting children. Justice F. Dana Winslow said in State Supreme Court in Mineola that he was granting Friedman's request for the records under the Freedom of Information Law in part because of the public's need to have confidence in how prosecutors and other public officials carry out their duties. Asked by prosecutors to specify what information was covered by his ruling, he replied that, with the exception of the victims' names: "Every piece of paper you have generated for People against Friedman." The judge refused to grant a permanent stay of his ruling and gave prosecutors until Tuesday to seek a stay from the Appellate Division. District Attorney Kathleen Rice's office said there will be an appeal......... N. Scott Banks of West Hempstead, who was law secretary to the judge who presided over the original criminal case, Abbey Boklan, said in a letter to Winslow this week that while the grand jury testimony was strong enough to support an indictment, "I recall my concerns [that] the testimony of the child witnesses lacked specificity regarding the dates and time of alleged offenses, and failed to note the presence of other witnesses at the Friedman home."
GIST: "A judge ordered Nassau County prosecutors Thursday to turn over virtually every scrap of paper on the Jesse Friedman case to the former defendant, who claims he was wrongly coerced into pleading guilty in 1988 to sexually molesting children. Justice F. Dana Winslow said in State Supreme Court in Mineola that he was granting Friedman's request for the records under the Freedom of Information Law in part because of the public's need to have confidence in how prosecutors and other public officials carry out their duties. Asked by prosecutors to specify what information was covered by his ruling, he replied that, with the exception of the victims' names: "Every piece of paper you have generated for People against Friedman." The judge refused to grant a permanent stay of his ruling and gave prosecutors until Tuesday to seek a stay from the Appellate Division. District Attorney Kathleen Rice's office said there will be an appeal......... N. Scott Banks of West Hempstead, who was law secretary to the judge who presided over the original criminal case, Abbey Boklan, said in a letter to Winslow this week that while the grand jury testimony was strong enough to support an indictment, "I recall my concerns [that] the testimony of the child witnesses lacked specificity regarding the dates and time of alleged offenses, and failed to note the presence of other witnesses at the Friedman home."
The entire story can be found at:
See subsequent story: "Appeal judge: D.A. doesn't have to give Jesse Friedman files yet."
Wikipedia account:
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