STORY: "Joseph Sledge, wrongly imprisoned for decades, now free, by reporter Stephanie Gellman, published by CNN on January 24, 2105.
SUB-HEADING: "70-year-old man is free after he was wrongly convicted."
STORY HIGHLIGHTS: Joseph Sledge spent more than three decades behind bars; DNA evidence, recanted testimony leads to his exoneration;
man who spent more than half his life in a North Carolina prison for
two murders he didn't commit walked out a free man Friday, holding his
belongings in two white plastic bags. Joseph Sledge, who was wrongfully
convicted in 1978, said he feels wonderful about his freedom. He is now
70-years old. Sledge
was exonerated by a three-judge panel who reviewed post-conviction DNA
evidence from the victims. The panel said that evidence excluded Sledge
as a suspect. A witness who testified that Sledge had admitted to the
murders recanted his testimony in 2013.........At trial, the state
forensic evidence linking Sledge to the crime. Two inmates also
testified against Sledge, saying he had admitted to the crimes behind
bars. He was convicted and sentence to life in prison. During
the more than three decades Sledge was in prison, he maintained his
innocence, filing numerous post-conviction motions on various grounds.
All were denied without hearing. In 2003, however, his request for new
DNA testing was granted; testing began five years later. The
North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission took on investigating
Sledge's case. It in December found "sufficient evidence of factual
innocence to merit judicial review......... The
commission, which began operating in 2007, is the first of its kind in
the country, and is separate from the appeals process, according to the
organization's website. A person exonerated by the commission process
is declared innocent and cannot be retried for the same crime."
The entire story can be found at:
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