BREAKING NEWS: "Although federal health officials have long considered
Shaken Baby Syndrome a serious public health threat, no regulatory body
or advocacy agency has tracked the number of alleged incidents. In a year-long study, The Washington Post, in
partnership with journalists from Northwestern University’s Medill
Justice Project, used court records and news media accounts to track the
dispositions of about 1,800 cases nationwide since 2001 that reportedly
involved shaking. Information was also obtained from the
National Registry of Exonerations at the University of Michigan Law School and from bloggers
Sue Luttner and
Susan Anthony. Court dockets in more than 800 U.S. counties,
accounting for 75 percent of the nation’s population, were reviewed. In
several dozen of the dismissed cases, reporters examined thousands of
pages of court and police records, including medical and autopsy
reports. Interviews were conducted with families, lawyers,
imprisoned defendants and doctors on both sides of the scientific
debate. The Post also commissioned a study from Design Research
Engineering, an engineering firm outside Detroit, to compare the
acceleration in shaking to falls."
Dear Readers. Due to a 'writing' assignment, I will not be filing fresh
posts for several weeks. (With the exception of breaking news;) When I am back in action I will make up for
lost time with a vengeance. In the meantime, please keep me up to date
with developments and don't hesitate to bring new matters of interest to
this Blog to my attention at
Best wishes,
Harold Levy; Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog.
PS: For latest coverage of the Mark Lundy retrial go to: