Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bulletin: 'Making a Murderer': More recent updates in the Steven Avery case provided by the Florida Innocence Project; "Most recently, Zellner revealed that advances in technology and forensic testing will help prove Avery’s innocence and that there may be other suspects in the case. (Defence lawyer) Zellner is doing everything she can to gather material that could help exonerate Avery, including buying the same RAV4 model that Teresa Halbach drove. She claims that within the next 30 days, new information will be presented in Avery’s appeal, so stay tuned."

"Earlier this month, IPF published a post to our blog detailing some recent updates surrounding the Avery family of the Netflix docuseries Making a Murderer. For those updates, click here. As the series continues to gain popularity, more recent updates regarding the cases also continue to come about. Avery continues to maintain his innocence in the murder of Teresa Halbach and is exhausting every legal option he can to prove his innocence to others. This includes filing another appeal on January 11, claiming that he was deprived of an impartial jury. A juror, who apparently felt Avery was guilty from the get-go, allegedly made several comments about Avery’s guilt to other jurors, which may have bullied them into convicting Avery. The appeal also claims that the search performed on the property that found incriminating evidence against Avery was done so illegally according to the limits of the search warrant. Although filing the appeal himself, Avery has now hired a new defense team. His new attorneys include Kathleen Zellner of Chicago and the Midwest Innocence Project’s legal director, Trishia Bushnell. Zellner, Chicago Lawyer magazine’s 2014 “Person of the Year,” is not a new name in the world of wrongful convictions. According to her website, the lawyer has helped exonerate 17 people, including well-known exoneree Ryan Ferguson of Missouri. Ferguson was convicted in 2005 for strangling to death Kent Heitholt, a Columbia Daily Tribune sports editor, and was exonerated in 2013. Zellner hopes to add Avery to her long list of exonerations. For fans that could not get enough of the series, there may be some hope.......... Avid supporters of Avery and Dassey planned protests in the hopes of getting them new trials. The protests were expected to draw attract around 200 people, with local and surrounding law enforcements preparing in case of violence. The protests took place on the morning of January 29, but only drew about 50 people—including both supporters and non-supporters—to the Manitowoc County Courthouse. Speaking of the local protests, one side that has barely been covered amidst all the media attention is that of Manitowoc County. The media has tended to focus solely on the cases of Avery and Dassey. Unsurprisingly, the release of Making a Murderer has taken a serious toll on the community. Manitowoc County’s tourism office, law enforcement agencies, City Hall, and Historical Society have all received angry comments and inquiries, whether by telephone, email, or social media. ........ Most recently, Zellner revealed that advances in technology and forensic testing will help prove Avery’s innocence and that there may be other suspects in the case. Zellner is doing everything she can to gather material that could help exonerate Avery, including buying the same RAV4 model that Teresa Halbach drove. She claims that within the next 30 days, new information will be presented in Avery’s appeal, so stay tuned."