STORY: "Will the High Court vindicate convicted murderer Frits Van Beelen after 46 years?, by reporter Matt Smith, published by The Sunday Mail S.A. on November 4, 2017.
PHOTO CAPTION: "Frits Van Beelen was convicted of the murder of SA teenager Deborah Joan Leach at Taperoo Beach in 1971 but has always maintained his innocence."
GIST: "The final chapter of one of South Australia’s most high-profile murders
will play out in the High Court this week in a case that could have
enormous ramifications for the State Government.
The High
Court of Australia will on Wednesday decide if it will overturn Frits
Van Beelen’s conviction for the murder of 15-year-old Deborah Leach at
Taperoo Beach in 1971. Van Beelen, 69, who had previous convictions for sexual assault, was released from prison in 1990 after serving 17 years’ jail. But he has consistently maintained his innocence. Supporters
and his legal team have argued evidence produced by controversial
forensic scientist Dr Colin Manock helped to put him behind bars when it
should not have. Prominent
Adelaide criminal lawyer Kevin Borick, QC, who has represented Van
Beelen since his first trial in July 1972, told the Sunday Mail the High Court would hand down its findings, from Canberra, on Wednesday with two choices. “Either
overturn the conviction or dismiss the appeal,” Mr Borick said. “In my
opinion it would be impossible to order a retrial after 45 years.” In June Director of Public Prosecutions, Adam Kimber SC, told a full sitting of the High Court in Adelaide that Van Beelen was inextricably linked to the rape and murder of Deborah Leach. But
Mr Borick argued Dr Manock fixed the time of Deborah’s death, by
relying on an analysis of her stomach contents — a method that has been
disproved since by scientific advancement. Dr Manock’s timing of death, of 4.30pm, was crucial to the appeal because Van Beelen had an alibi for about 4.40pm. The
High Court will have to determine if the new revelations on stomach
content evidence is enough to justify overturning the conviction. The State Government will be keeping a close eye on the case along with the upcoming appeal of convicted murderer Derek Bromley. Bromley has spent more than 30 years proclaiming his innocence. His
lawyers have also argued there are numerous discrepancies in the
original autopsy report prepared by Dr Manock. Both Bromley and Van
Beelen could sue the State Government if their convictions are
overturned. “The issue of compensation is open in any of the cases in which Dr Manock is involved,” Mr Borick said. If
the Van Beelen conviction is overturned it will also reignite calls for
the State Government to re-examine Dr Manock’s evidence in the 400
cases that led to convictions in which he provided evidence."The entire story can be found at the link below::
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I am monitoring this case/issue. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: