STORY: "John Plunkett, pathologist who battled shaken baby syndrome, dies at 70," by reporter Trevor Squire, published by The Star Tribune on April 20, 2018. (Trevor Squire is a University of Minnesota student on assignment for the Star Tribune.)
GIST: "While
touring the country for a documentary featuring Dr. John Plunkett,
filmmaker Meryl Goldsmith remembers strangers in every city greeting
Plunkett as a hero. "They
would say, 'You're our hero. You're our savior. You're a godsend — an
angel,' " Goldsmith said. "He would deflect because he was too humble to
take the credit, and we all know he deserves the credit. All these
families viewed him as the hero of their lives." Plunkett, a
forensic pathologist, spent nearly 20 years challenging shaken baby
syndrome diagnoses. He was a leading critic of the theory he once
accepted, and his work helped reverse hundreds of convictions based on
bad forensics. Plunkett died from cancer April 4, surrounded by his family at his farm in Welch, Minn. He was 70. Plunkett
provided expert testimony in 50 convictions that were overturned and
personally consulted in hundreds of other cases in his "voracious quest
for truth," Goldsmith said. He won a lifetime achievement award from the
Wisconsin Innocence Project in 2016 and was the central character in
Goldsmith's "The Syndrome," an award-winning 2014 documentary. "He was
radiating with warmth and friendliness. You could sense his knowledge
and brilliance was extraordinary," Goldsmith said. "Combined with his
deep empathy and need to help people who were suffering, he emerged from
that as a leader of this movement of forensic integrity." Plunkett
was born in St. Paul and earned his medical degree from the University
of Minnesota in 1972. He was a pathologist for 26 years at Regina
Hospital in Hastings and headed a coroner's office for seven counties. Plunkett
saw what victims of abuse looked like and noticed that many shaken baby
syndrome (SBS) cases lacked external injuries. He consulted physicists
and neurologists and assembled his own team of medical professionals to
test the theory. He published his findings in 2001, detailing similar
symptoms of brain bleeds in children who had fallen short distances and
those diagnosed with SBS. His wife,
Donna McFarren Plunkett, called her late husband an optimist, and when
the article was met with skepticism and personal attacks, he sought to
restore those wrongfully convicted to their families. Plunkett,
the oldest of eight children, had a warm persona that connected
colleagues, family and friends. His son Ben Plunkett said more than 100
people came to his birthday celebration last year. Goldsmith's
cousin, Susan Goldsmith, is an investigative journalist who did
research for the film and flew from Oregon to attend Plunkett's funeral
service last weekend. She said Audrey Edmunds, a caretaker convicted of murder in a shaken baby case
who served 11 years in prison before she was exonerated, drove from
northern Wisconsin through a blizzard to attend Plunkett's funeral. Plunkett
spent his final years on his farm, where he cared for horses and shared
his home with guests. Family and friends stayed at the farm and a
neighbor's home to wait out the storm after his funeral, which many
called a celebration. "There
won't ever be another John Plunkett," Susan Goldsmith said. "He was
someone willing to risk everything to help others. He wouldn't rest —
reconnecting children who were sent to foster homes and parents sent to
prison wrongfully." Plunkett
is survived by his wife; sons Ben and Matt; two grandchildren, and seven
siblings. Memorials can be made to the Albert Sullivan Endowed
Scholarship II Fund for the University of Minnesota Medical School or to
the Wisconsin Innocence Project SBS Fund. Services have been held."
The entire story can be found at:
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I am monitoring this case/issue. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: