PUBLISHER'S NOTE: This Blog is interested in false confessions because of the disturbing number of exonerations in the USA, Canada and multiple other jurisdictions throughout the world, where, in the absence of incriminating forensic evidence the conviction is based on self-incrimination – and because of the growing body of scientific research showing how vulnerable suspects are to widely used interrogation methods such as the notorious ‘Reid Technique.’ As all too many of this Blog's post have shown, I also recognize that pressure for false confessions can take many forms, up to and including physical violence, even physical and mental torture.
Harold Levy: Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog:
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I am proceeding with two parts: Part One records the very rare (thank goodness) happening of a judge being sent to prison for perjury. (Prosecutors had dropped the misconduct in office charge relating to Kowalski on receipt of her perjury plea). Part two, and article in the Livingston Daily, tells the extraordinary story that led to Brennan's removal from the bench. But the most important story is the horrible number done by the former judge and the former detective on Jerome Kowalski - the outrageous failure of Michigan's justice system - and the Kowalski's up-coming trial later this month. Can Michigan's criminal justice system redeem itself? We will be watching.
Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog.
STORY: "Ousted judge Theresa Brennan get 6 months in jail for perjury," by reporter Nathan Clark, published by mlive.com on January 17, 2019. (Excerpt):
GIST: "Ousted Livingston County District Judge Theresa Brennan will serve six months in jail for lying on the stand and betraying the public’s trust of the judicial system, a judge has ruled. Calling probation “wholly inadequate,” visiting Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Paul Cusick sentenced Brennan Friday, Jan. 17 to serve jail time. “The purpose of any court proceeding is for it to be a search for the truth. When it was time for you to tell the truth, you decided not to,” Cusick said. “Based on your actions and your position, probation is wholly inadequate.” Brennan must turn herself in to the Livingston County Jail at 9 a.m., Jan. 24, to begin her sentence. After the six months has been served, she will be on probation for 18 months and owe the county 200 hours of community service, Cusick ruled. “No good answer exists to why I lied,” Brennan said, weeping before the court. “Because of my actions, I have lost my career, I am a felon and the public now has a more negative view of judges.” Brennan pleaded guilty Dec. 3 to the felony perjury charge. Charges of misconduct in office and tampering with evidence were dropped as part of a plea agreement, the Michigan Attorney General’s office said in a statement."
Brennan denied her relationships with the detectives were anything more than friendships.
the Michigan Supreme Court decided otherwise, removing her from the
bench in June. The Supreme Court determined Brennan committed eight
instances of misconduct, including not disclosing her relationship with
the Michigan Supreme Court decided otherwise, removing her from the
bench in June. The Supreme Court determined Brennan committed eight
instances of misconduct, including not disclosing her relationship with
Felony charges:
was charged on Dec. 13 with perjury, tampering with evidence and common
law offenses by the Michigan Attorney General's office. The
office alleges that Brennan gave false testimony regarding a cell phone
that was considered a marital asset during hearings in her own divorce
case and that she tampered with evidence in an official proceeding. It
also said she committed misconduct by failing to recuse herself
immediately from her own divorce case and used the delay to dispose of
evidence. Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Timothy
Kenny signed an order granting immunity to Furlong on Oct. 21,
Assistant Attorney General William Rollstin said during Furlong's
deposition on Nov. 13, 2018. Kelly
Rossman-McKinney, spokeswoman for Attorney General Dana Nessel, said
she could neither confirm nor deny Furlong received immunity in exchange
for his testimony.
Clerks at the Wayne County 3rd Circuit Court declined to produce the immunity order Monday morning.
Just friends:
County Assistant Prosecutor Pamela Maas and Piszczatowski met with
Brennan in her chambers the Friday before the trial, Jan. 4, 2013, to
discuss the letter. Maas and Piszczatowski both testified at a 2018
misconduct hearing for Brennan that the judge told them she and Furlong
were "just friends." Maas testified she knew
Brennan and Furlong had a social relationship and that he may have
visited Brennan's home but believed other people were there as well. In
his deposition, Furlong said Maas, the prosecuting attorney who tried
Kowalski's first murder case, "absolutely" knew of Brennan's and his
friendship. "Pam knew we were friends. I mean, it
wasn't, it wasn't a secret... I mean Pam had known for years that we
were friends.," Furlong said in his deposition. "It was well-known that I
would go to the cottage or do stuff with Theresa outside of, outside
of court, that we were friends." Furlong said Brennan was accurate in describing their relationship when questioned in 2013. I
can't put it in any other way than this. We are friends. We were not in
a sexual relationship during - before Kowalski, during Kowalski. We
were not. We were friends. That was it. I can't put it any clearer than
that," he said in his deposition. Phone
records indicate Brennan and Furlong spoke for more than six hours on
the phone between the time the trial began on Jan. 27, 2013 and
Kowalski's sentencing on March 6, 2013. Piszczatowski
previously said he did not know about the phone conversations
between Brennan and Furlong during the trial and had he known he "would
have raised another motion for sure." Furlong in
his deposition said he "absolutely" had reservations about the
friendship impacting the case but said it was Brennan's call. "It
would have been better if some other judges had that so that we
wouldn't come up with this, you know, any hint of something wrong," he
said. In his deposition, Furlong denied being the
lead investigator in the double-murder case. He sat at the prosecution's
table during the trial because Pam Maas "wanted me there." A
former court clerk for Brennan, Kristi Cox, testified last year that
Brennan believed Kowalski was guilty because Furlong told her so. Cox said
Brennan made the comment after Cox commented she found it odd there was
no evidence Kowalski was guilty in the police interviews she was
transcribing in preparation for the trial. Brennan told Cox she knew
Kowalski did it because she had talked to Furlong about the case, Cox
testified. Kowalski was ultimately convicted by a jury and sentenced to life in prison, the mandatory sentence for first-degree murder. That
conviction was overturned in January when Shiawassee County Circuit
Judge Matthew Stewart signed an order vacating his convictions following
the Judicial Tenure Commission's findings that Brennan's concealment of
a relationship with Furlong was a "gross misconduct that violated
Cannon 1, 2, 3C of the Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct." In
his deposition Furlong said he texted Brennan on the first day of the
Tenure Commission misconduct hearings telling her to "just resign," that
"being a judge wasn't worth any of this."
Motions for defense:
Jerome Kowalski's attorneys Mark Gatesman and Heather Nalley filed a motion late Thursday afternoon inLivingston County Circuit Court requesting to view Furlong's Michigan State Police personnel file. "Furlong's
conduct created such a potential for criminal liability and
professional consequences that he only testified after a grant of
immunity by the Attorney General," they wrote in a motion. Kowalski's attorneys wrote they believe material necessary to Kowalski's defense is in Furlong's personnel file. "Even
though only former Judge Brennan and not former Trooper Furlong faces
criminal charges for their undisclosed relationship in connection with
People V. Kowalski, the facts remain, without Furlong's
unprofessional, unethical and inappropriate conduct in People V.
Kowalski, the conviction in Kowalski would not have been vacated and the
Attorney General Investigation would not have been initiated," they
wrote. Court records indicate Furlong completed
more than 15 search warrants in connection with the Kowalski case, many
that Brennan signed.
In multiple interviews with
police, Jerome Kowalski both admitted and denied committing the murders.
Furlong took Kowalski's third and final confession where he admitted to
committing the murders. The defense at trial
maintained Kowalski’s statement was a false confession made possible by a
long interrogation and from a defendant who is eager to please
authority. Brennan ruled the confession admissible
and did not allow a defense expert to testify, in a ruling that was
upheld but delayed the trial for years. Gatesman and Nalley plan to call Furlong as a witness during Kowalski's new trial , according to court records. In
addition, Kowalksi's attorneys requested a false confession expert be
allowed to testify at the new trial, schedule to take place in January. Stewart will rule on the motions on Dec. 4. Kowalski's trial is scheduled to start January 13, 2020. Brennan's trial is scheduled to start the following week."
The entire story can be read at:
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I am monitoring this case/issue. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: http://www.thestar.com/topic/charlessmith. Information on "The Charles Smith Blog Award"- and its nomination process - can be found at: http://smithforensic.blogspot.com/2011/05/charles-smith-blog-award-nominations.html Please send any comments or information on other cases and issues of interest to the readers of this blog to: hlevy15@gmail.com. Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog;
FINAL WORD: (Applicable to all of our wrongful conviction cases): "Whenever there is a wrongful conviction, it exposes errors in our criminal legal system, and we hope that this case — and lessons from it — can prevent future injustices.""
Lawyer Radha Natarajan:
Executive Director: New England Innocence Project;