Thursday, October 29, 2020

Frances Choi: Massachusetts: Arson 'science'. Well, the 'science' may have been right in this case - but there was still an issue as to who caused the fire - and there was another factor in play - a very ugly factor)...The ABA (American Bar Association) Journal story by reporter Debra Cassens Weiss is After Judge cites prosecutor's racist emails, DA declines to retry Asian American woman for murder."

QUOTE ONE OF THE DAY: "In a decision in mid-September, Judge Linda Giles vacated Choy’s 2011 convictions for arson and murder, partly citing evidence that her accuser had admitted that he was the actual perpetrator and that Choy’s trial lawyer had been ineffective. Giles also said newly discovered emails showed racial animus against Choy and her family."


QUOTE TWO OF THE DAY: "An appellate lawyer for Choy, John Barter, spoke with WBUR. “This may be the first case in the U.S. where a murder conviction has been thrown out because of racism on the part of prosecutors,” Barter said.


"STORY: After Judge cites prosecutor's racist emails, DA declines to retry Asian American woman for murder," by Senior Writer Debra Cassens Weiss,  published by The ABA Journal on October 5, 2020.

GIST: "Prosecutors said last week they won’t retry a woman convicted of setting a deadly fire after a judge vacated her conviction partly because of racist emails by prosecutors.

Prosecutors dropped charges against Frances Choy, an Asian American woman who was only 17 years old when she was accused of setting a fire to her Brockton, Massachusetts, home in 2003, killing her parents.

The New York Times and WBUR have coverage.

In a decision in mid-September, Judge Linda Giles vacated Choy’s 2011 convictions for arson and murder, partly citing evidence that her accuser had admitted that he was the actual perpetrator and that Choy’s trial lawyer had been ineffective. Giles also said newly discovered emails showed racial animus against Choy and her family.

The Plymouth County prosecutors “exchanged numerous images of Asian people, some accompanied by pejorative comments and some unexplained,” Giles wrote. “They exchanged ‘jokes’ about Asian stereotypes and mocking caricatures of Asians using imperfect English.”

Giles said had she been aware of the “racially and sexually degrading emails” at the time of the trial, she would have removed the prosecutors from the case and declared a mistrial.

Choy was imprisoned for 17 years. Her first two trials had ended with hung juries.

Two prosecutors wrote the emails. One now works in a different district attorney’s office. The other sued over being fired.

An appellate lawyer for Choy, John Barter, spoke with WBUR.

“This may be the first case in the U.S. where a murder conviction has been thrown out because of racism on the part of prosecutors,” Barter said."

The entire story can be read at:

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I am monitoring this case/issue. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic"  section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: Information on "The Charles Smith Blog Award"- and its nomination process - can be found at: Please send any comments or information on other cases and issues of interest to the readers of this blog to:  Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog;
FINAL WORD:  (Applicable to all of our wrongful conviction cases):  "Whenever there is a wrongful conviction, it exposes errors in our criminal legal system, and we hope that this case — and lessons from it — can prevent future injustices."
Lawyer Radha Natarajan:
Executive Director: New England Innocence Project;
FINAL, FINAL WORD (FOR NOW!): "Since its inception, the Innocence Project has pushed the criminal legal system to confront and correct the laws and policies that cause and contribute to wrongful convictions.   They never shied away from the hard cases — the ones involving eyewitness identifications, confessions, and bite marks. Instead, in the course of presenting scientific evidence of innocence, they’ve exposed the unreliability of evidence that was, for centuries, deemed untouchable." So true!
Christina Swarns: Executive Director: The Innocence Project;