"The jury in the trial of a babysitter accused of murdering a toddler will continue its deliberations tomorrow (Thursday)" the story begins, under the heading "Verdict still awaited in murder trial."
"Members were sent home for the evening after spending five hours considering if Suzanne Holdsworth killed two-year-old Kyle Fisher," it continues;
"Holdsworth, 38, is accused of killing two-year-old Kyle Fisher in her home in Millpool Close, on the Central Estate, Hartlepool, in July 2004.
The jury were sent out to begin their discussions early this morning.
They returned to the courtroom to request to see video footage taken from inside the home of Kyle's mother, Clare Fisher, and asked to hear the tape of the 999 call made to the ambulance service by Holdsworth.
Members also asked for another look at the banister from the staircase in Holdsworth's home.
The prosecution alleges the mother of two repeatedly banged the little boy's head against the banisters after snapping in a fit of temper.
Holdsworth was jailed for life in 2005. But the Court of Appeal overturned the conviction in May and ordered a re-trial.
The trial at Teesside Crown Court heard evidence from medical experts, appearing for the defence, who said an epileptic seizure was most likely to have led to Kyle's death.
The defence also told the jury they could not be sure that Holdsworth inflicted the fatal blows on Kyle, blaming his 24- year-old mother Clare Fisher instead.
Holdsworth, now of Boggart Hill Drive, Seacroft, Leeds, denies murder.
Keep returning to our website on Friday for the latest developments from court."
Harold Levy...hlevy15@gmail.com;
The Big Business of Bad Prison Food
9 hours ago