Sunday, July 21, 2013

FBI review: Grits for Breakfast points out a troubling gap: Cases possibly tainted by the testimony of state and local technicians who the FBI trained on microscopic hair analysis.

POST:  "Federal hair microscopy review should be replicated at state level,' published by Grits for Breakfast on July 18, 2013.
GIST: "However,  there are many technicians at the state and local levels, most if not all of whom were taught by the same trainers as the FBI, said Reimer - whose cases won't be included in the federal review. Indeed, so far the working group doesn't even have a list of state and local technicians who the FBI trained on microscopic hair analysis. Once those names are available - and please, somebody involved in that project let's make that happen! - then states can begin conducting their own reviews of flawed testimony in state-level criminal cases, which are likely far more numerous and may have continued to be used in cases beyond the year 2000 when DOJ abandoned the technique in favor of DNA analysis.

The entire post can be found at:


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Harold Levy: Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog.