STORY: "Henry Keogh pleads not guilty, for the third time, to the 1994 murder of Anna-Jane Cheney," by Chief Court Reporter Sean Fewster, published by the Advertiser on February 2, 2015.
GIST: Henry Keogh has pleaded not guilty, for the third time, to accusations he murdered his then-fiancee Anna-Jane Cheney in 1994.........Keogh will face court again in March and will continue living in the community under bail conditions set following his successful appeal and release from jail last year.........Outside court, Professor Robert Moles — a legal academic and long-time supporter of Keogh — said it was “very difficult to make sense” of an impending retrial. “Is it in the public interest? Absolutely not and I think the Director of Public Prosecutions should be ashamed of himself”, he said outside court. “I cannot see any proper basis for this trial ... the only thing I can understand (is a retrial) makes it more difficult to have proper public discussion of what’s happening. “Until a determination is made to not proceed, then public discussion of what’s really going on here is stifled, which is unfortunate.”........In December, the Full Court of the Court of Criminal Appeal set aside Keogh’s conviction following the first-ever appeal under SA’s “fresh and compelling evidence” laws. Justices Tom Gray, John Sulan and Kevin Nicholson ruled the autopsy of SA’s then-chief forensic pathologist, Colin Manock, was “inadequate in material respects”. They dubbed Dr Manock’s opinions “no more than prejudicial speculation” and his work “inadequate”, saying he failed to explore “other possible causes of death”. The court further ruled Keogh should be granted a retrial."
GIST: Henry Keogh has pleaded not guilty, for the third time, to accusations he murdered his then-fiancee Anna-Jane Cheney in 1994.........Keogh will face court again in March and will continue living in the community under bail conditions set following his successful appeal and release from jail last year.........Outside court, Professor Robert Moles — a legal academic and long-time supporter of Keogh — said it was “very difficult to make sense” of an impending retrial. “Is it in the public interest? Absolutely not and I think the Director of Public Prosecutions should be ashamed of himself”, he said outside court. “I cannot see any proper basis for this trial ... the only thing I can understand (is a retrial) makes it more difficult to have proper public discussion of what’s happening. “Until a determination is made to not proceed, then public discussion of what’s really going on here is stifled, which is unfortunate.”........In December, the Full Court of the Court of Criminal Appeal set aside Keogh’s conviction following the first-ever appeal under SA’s “fresh and compelling evidence” laws. Justices Tom Gray, John Sulan and Kevin Nicholson ruled the autopsy of SA’s then-chief forensic pathologist, Colin Manock, was “inadequate in material respects”. They dubbed Dr Manock’s opinions “no more than prejudicial speculation” and his work “inadequate”, saying he failed to explore “other possible causes of death”. The court further ruled Keogh should be granted a retrial."
The entire story can be found at:
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