Sunday, August 23, 2015
Bulletin: (Grits for Breakfast); Texas; Ed Graf; Cameron Todd Willingham; "Fire! Jailhouse informants and Texas arson cases."
"Two recent high-profile news stories shined a spotlight on the use of
incentivized jailhouse snitches to supplement flawed arson science in
high-profile murder cases. Jeremy Stahl, Slate, "The Trials of Ed Graf;"Maurice Possley and Maurice Chammah, The Marshall Project, "Jailhouse snitch claims secret deal in death case" Grits has no time at the moment to comment at any length. But long-time
readers know the intersection of
informants and flawed arson science cuts across two of my long-time
interests, so I may come back to these items as the vicissitudes of time
and convenience permit. For now, I'll encourage everyone to read both
stories and offer up in the comments any observations, arguments or
suggestions which may consequently arise."