Thursday, August 6, 2015

Rajesh and Nupur Talwar: Book reviewer Christine Pemberton: "The most frightening interview in the book: the one Mr. Sen (author Avirook Sen) has with Shyam Lal, the now retired judge who sentenced the Talwars, and promptly retired a few days after sentencing." (Must, Must Read. HL);

BOOK REVIEW: "Aarushi"  by Avirook Sen, reviewed by Christine Pemberton;

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Click on link to access un-cut-off text passages. HL.

GIST: The most frightening interview in the book is the one Mr. Sen has with Shyam Lal, the now retired judge who sentenced the Talwars, and promptly retired a few days after sentencing.

The above is straight out of the realm of buffoonery.  But to be fair, not everyone can speak and write well in English, but why the system allows such a travesty as this is mystifying.
But it is the final moments of the book that should make you sit up and make you very angry:

The entire review can be found at:

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