STORY: "Why Canada banned pot (science had nothing to do with it)," by Toronto Star Science and Technology reporter Kate Allen, published on December 2, 2013;
SUB-HEADING: "These days some think a total repeal of Canada's drug laws is inevitable. We look at how the drug laws put in 90 years ago were based on panic and racism as opposed to science or medicine.
PHOTO CAPTION: John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono, in Canada on a crusade for peace, meet Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in Ottawa on Dec. 24, 1969. Lennon shared his expertise with the Le Dain Commission, believing that marijuana was a catalyst for peace.
GIST: "Searching for the scientific origins of Canada’s marijuana prohibition is a quick exercise. There was no science used to justify the laws instituted 90 years ago, just a mess of panic, racism and accident that has metastasized over time. Today we are in an unlikely position. American jurisdictions have begun to craft new pot policies. But Canada lumbers on, even strengthening the legislation it inherited from an era of confusion."
SUB-HEADING: "These days some think a total repeal of Canada's drug laws is inevitable. We look at how the drug laws put in 90 years ago were based on panic and racism as opposed to science or medicine.
PHOTO CAPTION: John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono, in Canada on a crusade for peace, meet Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in Ottawa on Dec. 24, 1969. Lennon shared his expertise with the Le Dain Commission, believing that marijuana was a catalyst for peace.
GIST: "Searching for the scientific origins of Canada’s marijuana prohibition is a quick exercise. There was no science used to justify the laws instituted 90 years ago, just a mess of panic, racism and accident that has metastasized over time. Today we are in an unlikely position. American jurisdictions have begun to craft new pot policies. But Canada lumbers on, even strengthening the legislation it inherited from an era of confusion."
The entire story can be found at:
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