Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Bart McNeil: Illinois: Special event this evening: (Tuesday 5 October: 7.00 EST PM): Live panel; panelists closely connected with case. (Listed below) Should give us lots of insights. Link provided below to FreeBart Facebook Page: (It's a Facebook Live event); Will be watching! HL.



Bart’s FreeBart Facebook Page 


PUBLISHERS NOTE: I recently highlighted this extraordinary case of innocence  which I have been following for years at: 


Tonight's panel, which is scheduled to begin at 7.00 EST PM, precedes a public screening   of the Oxygen Network’s 2-hour premiere special “Snapped: Behind Bars” chronicling the Barton McNeil and Misook Nowlin Wang murder cases.

At 10:15 EST there will be an 11 minute audio from Barton McNeil addressing the attendees.  Big news here.  While this part of the Live Stream is happening the panelists will be coming up on stage and be given mics with the Q&A then to follow for an estimated 30-45 minutes concluding the Live Facebook event at 11 pm EST (10 pm Central).



Since 1998, Kevin W. McClain Investigations, Ltd. has provided con dential, comprehensive, professional
investigative services to the legal, corporate, and insurance communities, as well as discerning individuals
on a local and national scale, including Barton’s legal team.

Local area legal news reporter for National Public Radio, local a liate WGLT. From 2007 to June 2019,
Edith covered crime and legal issues in Central Illinois for The Pantagraph, a daily newspaper in
Bloomington, IL.

Famed private investigator, author and president of The International Association of Forensic Criminologists
(IAFC), Paul is often relied on for expert commentary in high-pro le murder cases.

A veteran journalist who hosted the 2018 14-episode National Public Radio (WGLT) Podcast series
“Suspect Convictions” that featured the Barton McNeil case. He has won numerous national and state
journalism awards including an Investigative Reporters and Editors Medal.

Cousin to Barton McNeil and Chief Advocate. Chris is a trademark licensing consultant who for ten years
has led the charge advocating Barton's innocence.


At 10:15 EST there will be an 11 minute audio from Barton McNeil addressing the attendees.  Big news here.  While this part of the Live Stream is happening the panelists will be coming up on stage and be given mics with the Q&A then to follow for an estimated 30-45 minutes concluding the Live Facebook event at 11 pm EST (10 pm Central).

HOW TO ACCESS 'SNAPPED': The feed will become a placeholder image from 8:15 to 10:15 pm EST as this is when the show will air and can only be shown to the local audience.  Anyone however can go to Oxygen.com and create a login profile and password and receive 3 free credits to watch any of their episodes during this time.  Search under "Snapped: Behind Bars" and look for the one that shows Misook's face and that's the one featuring Bart's case.  It is S1 Ep 2 (Season 1, Episode 2).