Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ken Anderson: Aftermath 5; Robb Fickman says, in an outspoken guest post on Mark Bennett's supurb Blog "Defending people: the Tao of criminal defence lawyering," that new laws are necessary to ensure that rogue prosecutors get "real punishment."

POST: Guest post by  Robb Fickman, published by Mark Bennett on his Blog  "Defending people:  The Tao of criminal defence trial lawyering,"  on November 11, 2103. Robb Fickman is a criminal defence lawyer who practices in Harris County, Texas.

GIST: "1. As has been repeat­edly noted by John Raley and the Inno­cence Project, Ander­son has never apol­o­gized to Michael Mor­ton for Anderson’s con­duct.  He apol­o­gized for what the “system“did. He has accepted no per­sonal respon­si­bil­ity for his  actions. 2. Anderson’s remorse has been for him­self.  That’s right, He tes­ti­fied and had the audac­ity to com­pare his going through The Court of Inquiry to Michael Morton’s 25 years in prison. 3. Ander­son built a career while Michael served 25 years. The real killer stayed on the loose and he mur­dered a woman in Austin thanks to Anderson’s pros­e­cu­tion of an inno­cent man. 4. If any of our clients locked  some­one in a cage for 25 years what do you think the offer would be? Try life. While his­toric & impor­tant, Anderson’s 10 days triv­i­al­izes his aban­don­ment of his duty and his crimes. No DA will be deterred by this 10 day sen­tence. Hell, some of them would do 10 days to win a big case. The pun­ish­ment  does not fit the crime.........7.  The leg­is­la­ture must make Anderson’s con­duct pun­ish­able by seri­ous pen time. And as in mur­der, there can be no statute of limitations. The “Thing called Sen­a­tor Huff­man” will fight this. The Texas County and Dis­trict Attor­neys Asso­ci­a­tion will fight it. But we must pass new laws. Until rogue pros­e­cu­tors face the prospect of real pun­ish­ment, they will not be deterred from abus­ing the good cit­i­zens of Texas. Fuck Ken Ander­son. Fuck Sebesta. Fuck any DA who would vio­late his eth­i­cal duties and the law to secure a conviction. (offense intended); Robb."

The entire post can be found at:


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