Thursday, June 5, 2014

David Harold Eastman: Publisher's view: (Editorial) (Aftermath 10: Inquiry report); Why the police officers and prosecutors who through their duplicity stripped away Eastman's ability to defend himself should be held accountable for obstructing of justice in the criminal courts - and why David Eastman should promptly be freed, pardoned and generously compensated. Harold Levy. Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog.

PUBLISHER'S VIEW:  The enormity of the failure by the Australian authorities  to disclose utterly crucial matters relating to the forensic evidence is utterly  breath-taking. This was not a question of one or  two documents which were buried among thousands of others, and perhaps might be accepted as  excusable. this was a deliberate pattern of behaviour on several different fronts  aimed at stripping away  from David Harold Eastman his ability to defend himself against all the might of the state which was being levied against him. The failure was so enormous that Judge Martin felt he had no alternative but to find that a substantial miscarriage of justice had occurred and quash the murder conviction. In the U.S.A. former Texas judge Ken Anderson was sent to prison for, as a prosecutor,  withholding from Michael Morton critical evidence that was crucial for his defence.  Judge Martin points the finger at the police for withholding the crucial evidence and documentation from Eastman - and appears to let the prosecution off the hook. But ultimately the police and prosecutors are all agents of the same state  that put enormous mental pressure on Eastman, deprived him through duplicity  of the opportunity to defend himself and then sent him to prison for life.  He has already languished behind bars in prison  protesting his innocence for almost 20 years. Judge Anderson was sent to prison  for concealing information which could well have effected the outcome of Michael Morton's trial;  There are police officers, and possibly prosecutors who similarly  concealed information which might have resulted in Mr. Eastman being found not guilty. It wasn't Judge Martin's job to make judgments on the guilt or innocence of state officials for their conduct in the Eastman investigation. That said, there should be such accountabilty, and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government should investigate accordingly and lay criminal charges where warranted. It goes without saying that after all it has done to Eastman through  officials acting in its name  the government should free him, pardon him and compensate him generously so he can get as much comfort as possible out of his remaining years.

Harold Levy; Publisher. The Charles Smith Blog.


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The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at:

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Harold Levy: Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog;