Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cameron Todd Willingham; Express-News columnist Rick Casey has some sage advice in this case of an innocent man executed by Texas in the face of post trial reports showing that the fire marshall's got it terribly wrong: recommend a pardon if the fellow inmate's testimony is found to be as false as the arson evidence - and order that federal grant money for criminal justice be used not just for police and prosecutors in Texas, but also to fund scientific expert testimony for attorneys for indigent defendants. (Must Read. HL);

COUNTDOWN: 4 days to Wrongful Conviction Day: (Thursday October 2, 2014); Radio event today (September 28, 2014):   Canadian exonerees Ron Dalton and William Mullins-Johnson (a Charles smith case)  and  Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted  (AIDWYC) lawyer James Lockyer will be interviewed on the Roy Green show – a live-on-the-air interview from 4:07 – 4:27 p.m. about Wrongful Conviction Day. Tune into Talk Radio 640! The segment will then be available for listening/downloading in the podcast section at

COMMENTARY: "Willingham is dead: Will Perry admit the state is wrong?," by columnist  Rick Casey, published by the Express-News on September 26 2014.

SUB-HEADING: "Cameron Todd Willingham has been executed. Will Gov. Rick Perry recommend a pardon at last?"

GIST:  " Last week, Gov. Rick Perry flew to Lubbock to dedicate a memorial statue of Timothy Cole, a Texas Tech student who was wrongly convicted of raping a fellow student after a badly botched police investigation. Cole died in prison in the 14th year of a 25-year sentence. The highlight of last week's ceremony was when Perry said, “This statue will serve as a reminder that justice must be tempered with wisdom and that we all must stand vigilant against injustice, wherever it may be found.” Perry should keep that imperative in mind as he reconsiders the case of Cameron Todd Willingham.........Perry could help himself in two ways. He could publicly express concern that he may have been wrong and ask the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to investigate and recommend a pardon if the fellow inmate's testimony is found to be as false as the arson evidence. And Perry can order that federal grant money for criminal justice be used not just for police and prosecutors in Texas, but also to fund scientific expert testimony for attorneys for indigent defendants. After all, leveling the field between prosecutors and defense attorneys is one way of standing vigilant against injustice."

The entire commentary can be found at:

Mark your calendar: October 7, 2014.  Death By Fire (2):  Produced by the PBS  renowned investigative  show "Frontline." We are informed in a note that:  "Frontline reinvestigates the case of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed for the arson deaths of his three children. Advancing the recent reporting by the Marshall Project in the Washington Post, Death by Fire 2 will include an exclusive on-camera interview with Johnny Webb, a key witness at Willingham’s trial who now disavows his testimony that Willingham confessed to setting the fire that killed his children, alleging that it was the result of a secret deal with the prosecutor."

For background on Wrongful Conviction Day see the following link:
Interested participants may sign up by contacting Win Wahrer of The Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted at:


Dear Reader. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog. We are following this case.
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The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at:

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Harold Levy: Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog;