STORY: "Dennis Oland appeal halts review of police investigation of father's murder," by reporter Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon. published by CBC News on January 29, 2016.
PHOTO CAPTION: "Dennis Oland, 47, is facing life in prison after being
convicted of second-degree murder in the 2011 death of his father,
prominent businessman Richard Oland."
The entire story can be found at:
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Dear Reader. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog. We are following this case. I have added a search box for content in this blog which now encompasses several thousand posts. The search box is located near the bottom of the screen just above the list of links. I am confident that this powerful search tool provided by "Blogger" will help our readers and myself get more out of the site.
Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible
years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr.
Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of
Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic"
section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It
can be found at: