Monday, May 22, 2017

Tyler Edmonds: Mississippi; False confessions as a barrier to compensation for victims of wrongful convictions. Radley Balko asks 'What does Mississippi owe a 13-year-old who falsely confessed to murder?"..."The NBC News story is mostly a look at the limits of the laws states have passed to compensate the victims of wrongful convictions. Most of these laws prohibit victims who contributed to their own convictions from getting compensated, a stipulation that tends to ensnare people convicted because of false confessions. (Edmonds initially confessed, then retracted his confession a few days later.) This sort of exception to compensation laws is really unfair. It discounts all of the coercion and manipulation that can go into a false confession. In fact, there’s some evidence that innocent people are especially likely to confess under conditions such as prolonged interrogation, sleep deprivation and threats of additional charges. This is because in the moment, they calculate that a confession will at least end the interrogation, and because they’re innocent, the evidence will eventually exonerate them. But Mississippi’s refusal to compensate Edmonds is particularly troubling for a few reasons."

COMMENTARY: "'What does Mississippi owe a 13-year-old who falsely confessed to murder?, by Radley Balko, published by The Washington Post on May 17, 2017.  (Radley Balko blogs about criminal justice, the drug war and civil liberties for The Washington Post. He is the author of the book "Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces.")

GIST: NBC News has published a long story about Tyler Edmonds, a Mississippi man convicted in the 2003 murder of his half sister’s husband. Edmonds and his half sister Kristi Fulgham were both convicted of the crime. The NBC News story is mostly a look at the limits of the laws states have passed to compensate the victims of wrongful convictions. Most of these laws prohibit victims who contributed to their own convictions from getting compensated, a stipulation that tends to ensnare people convicted because of false confessions. (Edmonds initially confessed, then retracted his confession a few days later.) This sort of exception to compensation laws is really unfair. It discounts all of the coercion and manipulation that can go into a false confession. In fact, there’s some evidence that innocent people are especially likely to confess under conditions such as prolonged interrogation, sleep deprivation and threats of additional charges. This is because in the moment, they calculate that a confession will at least end the interrogation, and because they’re innocent, the evidence will eventually exonerate them. But Mississippi’s refusal to compensate Edmonds is particularly troubling for a few reasons.........Edmonds in particular checked off a lot of boxes of the factors that can lead to false confessions. He was a minor who had been coerced by a family member whom he trusted and admired. He was also a minor who had just been separated from a parent. He was emotionally and physically immature for his age, also common among false confessors. Edmonds also quickly recanted his confession, common among the innocent. And his confession itself contained inconsistencies, included falsehoods and fell short of taking complete responsibility for the crime. These, too, are all factors common among people who falsely confess. His teachers, his relatives, the parents of his classmates and his school counselor all testified that he was gentle and good-natured. He got good grades, rarely got into trouble and had never been prone to violence. All of this should have cast doubt on Edmonds’s confession from the beginning. But even if prosecutors really believed that Edmonds helped Kristi Fulgham kill her husband, the most likely scenario was that he was a fragile kid who had been emotionally manipulated by a sociopathic sister he adored and saw as a maternal figure. This was no coldblooded killer. And then there was Steven Hayne. Regular readers of The Watch will recognize that name......... At Edmonds’s trial, the prosecutor (Allgood himself didn’t prosecute Edmonds) asked Hayne whether he had viewed Edmonds’s videotaped confession. He had. She then asked whether, in light of that confession, he had considered the position of Joey Fulgham’s body. He said he had. She then asked, “based on the path of the projectile and everything that was viewed,” whether Hayne thought “the defendant’s version of the events is consistent with what you found in Mr. Fulgham?” In other words, were the wounds in Joey Fulgham’s body consistent with Edmonds’s videotaped confession — the one in which he said he and his sister held and fired the gun simultaneously? It was a preposterous question. No medical examiner can tell by the bullet wounds in the body if the gun that fired those bullets was being held by one person or two. Edmonds’s attorney object. This brings up another issue we’ve explored often here at The Watch — the inability of the courts to keep bad science out of criminal trials. Edmonds’s defense team likely knew that Hayne would be getting this question — the prosecutor said as much in her opening statement. “You’re going to hear how Kristi stood behind him and held him and you’re going to hear how they both put their finger on the trigger and you’re going to hear how they both shot and killed Joey Fulgham.” The defense requested a Daubert hearing on the matter. A Daubert hearing is named for the trio of Supreme Court cases in which justices laid out how federal courts should assess the credibility of expert testimony. In the hearing, the trial court judge listens to evidence from both sides about whether proposed testimony from an expert witness is reliable and supported by scientific research. In Edmonds’s case, the defense wanted to argue that there’s no scientific research to suggest that a medical examiner can give an opinion on how many people were holding a gun based on the bullet wounds inflicted by that gun. Incredibly, the judge denied the hearing. Just to be clear: The judge didn’t hold a hearing and then rule against the defense. The judge refused to hold a hearing at all. He didn’t think the “two hands on the gun” theory was even controversial enough to merit discussion. The prosecutor then asked the question again. Did Hayne find the crime scene evidence, his autopsy and the other forensic evidence to be consistent with Edmonds’s videotaped confession (as opposed to his recantation story, which suggested that his sister acted alone)? At this point, a conscientious medical examiner might have answered something like, “You’re asking me to speculate on something that’s not only outside my area of expertise but that really couldn’t be determined by anyone.” Instead, Hayne answered, “Within a reasonable medical certainty, it’s consistent with the scenario provided to me and would be in compliance with the facts I saw.” But the state’s transgressions against Edmonds didn’t end there. Later in the trial, his attorneys attempted to call their own expert witness, Allison Redlich, an experimental psychologist who has done extensive research into false confessions. Redlich was prepared to testify what this post has already discussed — that Edmonds exhibited many characteristics often found in people who falsely confess. The prosecution objected and requested its own Daubert hearing. The judge not only granted the request but also set aside an entire day to hold the hearing. After a day of testimony, the trial judge ruled that Redlich’s testimony wasn’t scientifically reliable. The jury would hear no expert testimony about false confessions. The judge’s Daubert analysis is really a case study in how inept courts can be at assessing the validity of scientific evidence.......... Today, it’s well accepted in the scientific community that false confessions occur and that they’re especially likely among children. Today, it’s also well accepted in the scientific community that you can’t look at bullet wounds and draw opinions about how many people were holding the gun. Yet for Edmonds’s trial, the state of Mississippi argued that the former was scientifically dubious and that the latter didn’t even deserve a hearing. And the trial judge agreed. Edmonds was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Kristi Fulgham was also convicted. She was sentenced to death, which was later reduced to a life sentence. Four years later, the Mississippi Supreme Court threw out Edmonds’s conviction, finding that Hayne’s testimony about the gun wasn’t scientifically reliable. Edmonds was retried in 2008, this time without that testimony. The jury acquitted......... Today, Mississippi argues that because Edmonds confessed to the crime, he contributed to his own conviction and, therefore, is ineligible for compensation. The state is also arguing that an acquittal is not an exoneration and that, therefore, Edmonds hasn’t really been proved innocent; he has only been found “not guilty” by a jury. Both arguments ignore the great lengths to which the state of Mississippi went to put a 13-year-old boy in prison for a crime it now seems highly unlikely that he committed. The state interrogated him away from his mother. The police used his sister to coerce him. The state then brought in its long-favored expert to offer quack testimony wholly outside the realm of science, not to mention common sense, all while successfully suppressing testimony from an expert who planned to cite documented research showing that someone like Edmonds was a prime candidate for a false confession. As demonstrated in the subsequent trial, had Hayne not been permitted to give that testimony, the jury probably wouldn’t have convicted. Had the judge ruled correctly with respect to both experts, acquittal seems a near-certainty. Mississippi state officials not only have refused to conduct a thorough review of the cases in which Hayne has testified to see whether there might be other wrongful convictions but also still defend Hayne and the convictions won in part or primarily due to his testimony. In short, as the state of Mississippi steadfastly refuses to take responsibility for mistakes made by its public officials that sent who knows how many innocent people to prison (we don’t know the number, because the state won’t conduct a review), the same state of Mississippi is demanding that Edmonds be held accountable for the mistaken confession he made … as a 13-year-old boy."

The entire commentary can be  found at:

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I am monitoring this case/issue. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: Information on "The Charles Smith Blog Award"- and its nomination process - can be found at: Please send any comments or information on other cases and issues of interest to the readers of this blog to: Harold Levy; Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog;