PASSAGE OF THE DAY: "Bennett says the assurances offered by Prime Minister John Key and Justice Minister Amy Adams the day after the Privy Council decision was released in March 2015 — that it proved the justice system worked — is "b******* of the highest order". "His case only ever became of public and political interest because unpaid private individuals committed themselves to putting right what our justice system had got so terribly wrong," he writes. The book, which tells of investigator Tim McKinnel's six-year personal crusade to get Pora released from prison, shines a light on the likelihood that other New Zealanders are falsely imprisoned — especially those with FASD, or foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, which affects Pora. Dr Valerie McGinn diagnosed Pora with FASD in 2013, which was helpful for the team pushing his case, but also devastating. "For the man for whom they feel such affection and respect, FASD is another life sentence," writes Bennett, also a filmmaker, who made a documentary about Pora, Confessions of Prisoner T. "But this sentence, no one can ever overturn."
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: In the roughly 10 years since I began publishing The Charles Smith Blog some of the issues I have explored - as well as some of the cases I have been following - have become the subject matter of books. This prompted me recently - as I searched anxiously for ways of keeping me occupied during the languid summer hours - other than sitting on the patio, drinking a cool glass of white wine, and reading the latest Steven King - it occurred to me that a book review series based in my previous posts from the outset of the Blog would be just what the pathologist ordered. I would invite my readers to offer me their own suggestions for inclusion by email to hlevy15@gmail.com. Have a great summer.
Harold Levy: Publisher. The Charles Smith Blog.
PHOTO CAPTION: "Teina Pora was freed after 21 years in prison."
GIST: "Teina Pora, convicted for a murder he did not commit and wrongly imprisoned for 21 years, needs an apology, according to a new book out on Friday. In Dark Places: The Confessions of Teina Pora and an Ex-Cop's Fight for Justice, writer Michael Bennett lays out the many strands of Pora's story over the course of 23 years — from the morning a 17-year-old car thief was picked up by police, to the night the Privy Council in London quashed his convictions. Pora was wrongly convicted of the 1992 rape and murder of 39-year-old Susan Burdett at her Papatoetoe home. He gave police a false confession, motivated by a $20,000 reward for information. Bennett says the assurances offered by Prime Minister John Key and Justice Minister Amy Adams the day after the Privy Council decision was released in March 2015 — that it proved the justice system worked — is "b******* of the highest order". "His case only ever became of public and political interest because unpaid private individuals committed themselves to putting right what our justice system had got so terribly wrong," he writes. The book, which tells of investigator Tim McKinnel's six-year personal crusade to get Pora released from prison, shines a light on the likelihood that other New Zealanders are falsely imprisoned — especially those with FASD, or foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, which affects Pora. Dr Valerie McGinn diagnosed Pora with FASD in 2013, which was helpful for the team pushing his case, but also devastating. "For the man for whom they feel such affection and respect, FASD is another life sentence," writes Bennett, also a filmmaker, who made a documentary about Pora, Confessions of Prisoner T. "But this sentence, no one can ever overturn." Dr McGinn estimates about 20 per cent of the prison population may have undiagnosed FASD. It affects a sufferer's ability to remember things, articulate their thoughts, understand questions and think through the consequences of their actions. The book, published by Paul Little Books, also concludes that Susan Burdett's true killer must now be brought to justice. "The person who beat Susan repeatedly with purpose and with determination until she lay dead — that person remains unconvicted for her murder," writes Bennett. "The end of this book is not, and cannot be allowed to be, the end of this story." In his book, Bennett reveals how McKinnel met with serial rapist Malcolm Rewa, whose DNA was found on Burdett's body, to see if he could elicit a confession, or at least gather useful information for the case. "Perhaps Rewa might reveal something which would help bring justice for Teina Pora, and bring closure for the family of Susan Burdett," writes Bennett of their meeting at Paremoremo Prison. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. But if you don't try ... " Bennett also tells the story from the perspectives of lawyer Marie Dyhrberg, who represented Pora at his retrial in 2000; Jonathan Krebs, who led the Privy Council appeal; and members of Pora's family."
PURCHASING INFORMATION: In Dark Places: The confessions of Teina Pora and an ex-cop's fight for justice, by Michael Bennett. Published by Paul Little Books.