PASSAGE OF THE DAY: "A July report by the Conviction Integrity Unit in Gardner's office cited numerous errors and examples of misconduct by police and prosecutors that deprived Johnson of a fair trial. Conviction integrity units have been created in various US cities to review post-conviction claims of innocence and exonerate wrongfully convicted defendants. "Johnson's case is ultimately about innocence," the report said. "Johnson did not shoot Boyd and had nothing to do with Boyd's murder, and he should not be in prison for the crime. Imprisonment of an innocent person constitutes a 'manifest injustice.'" The 70-page report said the lone eyewitness to the shooting received more than $4,000 in payments from prosecutors "to identify Johnson as one of the shooters." The payments were listed as moving expenses, utilities, storage and other items. The witness, Greg Elking, later said the state also helped him resolve several outstanding traffic violations. The report said the information was not disclosed to Johnson's defense lawyers at the time of his trial. In 2003, Elking recanted his identification of Johnson in a letter to a St. Louis pastor. Elking wrote that he could not pick the gunmen out of lineups and that he agreed to testify after police and prosecutors offered to "help me financially," according to Gardner's report. He wanted to clear his conscience, he wrote."
STORY: "He's served 24 years for a murder prosecutors say he didn't commit, but he's been denied a new trial," by reporters Ray Sanchez and Dave Sera, published by CNN on August 29, 2019.
PHOTO CAPTION: "Lamar Johnson is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole."
GIST: " Lamar Johnson will soon enter his 25th year behind bars." The St. Louis man has spent more than half his life in prison for a murder the city's chief prosecutor says he did not commit. Johnson, 45, is serving a sentence of life without the possibility of parole in Missouri. But a report from St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner and the Conviction Integrity Unit outlined what her office called misconduct by police and prosecutors in the case, including perjury, false testimony and the payment of more than $4,000 to the sole eyewitness. The witness later recanted. Dwight Warren, the assistant circuit attorney who prosecuted the case, vehemently denied the "outlandish" accusations laid out in the report, particularly the charge of paying a key witness. He also defended the detectives on the case. "Anybody who knows me, knows that that is not my character," Warren, who was also a St. Louis police officer, told CNN. "I could probably have every judge in this circuit ... in my day testify to that. I think it's a one-sided hatchet job." "The witness may have been compensated out of fear for his life and we may have relocated him, but this was 25 years ago and I cannot tell you with certainty," he added. Gardner's office said it will appeal a state court judge's denial of a new trial.
GIST: " Lamar Johnson will soon enter his 25th year behind bars." The St. Louis man has spent more than half his life in prison for a murder the city's chief prosecutor says he did not commit. Johnson, 45, is serving a sentence of life without the possibility of parole in Missouri. But a report from St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner and the Conviction Integrity Unit outlined what her office called misconduct by police and prosecutors in the case, including perjury, false testimony and the payment of more than $4,000 to the sole eyewitness. The witness later recanted. Dwight Warren, the assistant circuit attorney who prosecuted the case, vehemently denied the "outlandish" accusations laid out in the report, particularly the charge of paying a key witness. He also defended the detectives on the case. "Anybody who knows me, knows that that is not my character," Warren, who was also a St. Louis police officer, told CNN. "I could probably have every judge in this circuit ... in my day testify to that. I think it's a one-sided hatchet job." "The witness may have been compensated out of fear for his life and we may have relocated him, but this was 25 years ago and I cannot tell you with certainty," he added. Gardner's office said it will appeal a state court judge's denial of a new trial.
Judge Elizabeth Hogan ruled last week that the court had no authority
to grant a new trial because the motion was "filed approximately
twenty-four years" after the mandated deadline of 15 days after the
verdict. "The evidence is
overwhelming," Johnson's attorney, Lindsay Runnels, who -- along with
the Midwest Innocence Project -- also plans to appeal the ruling, said
via email. "The State agrees. In the interests of justice and fairness,
that should be enough to overcome a missed deadline." Two other men later signed sworn affidavits admitting to the killing:
was convicted in 1995 of the murder of Marcus Boyd, who was shot to
death a year earlier on the front porch of his apartment by two masked
men. Police said at the time that
Johnson and another man, Phillip Campbell, fatally shot Boyd following
what witnesses suggested was a drug dispute. But
Campbell and a man named James Howard later signed sworn affidavits
admitting they killed Boyd and that Johnson was not involved, according
to court documents. Campbell, who
died recently, was sentenced to seven years for his role in Boyd's
death, according to Runnels. He served less than six years, she said.
Howard is serving a life sentence for a homicide committed after Boyd's
murder, she said. "There is no
statute of limitations on innocence and there is no expiration date on
justice," Runnels said. "A prosecutor's duty to correct errors of this
magnitude is never terminated, and rightfully so. The integrity of the
justice system depends on those in power telling the truth and
correcting errors when they become known." The St. Louis Metropolitan
Police Department, through a spokeswoman, declined comment. Lone eyewitness to killing recanted his identification of Johnson:
July report by the Conviction Integrity Unit in Gardner's office cited
numerous errors and examples of misconduct by police and prosecutors
that deprived Johnson of a fair trial. Conviction integrity units have
been created in various US cities to review post-conviction claims of
innocence and exonerate wrongfully convicted defendants. "Johnson's
case is ultimately about innocence," the report said. "Johnson did not
shoot Boyd and had nothing to do with Boyd's murder, and he should not
be in prison for the crime. Imprisonment of an innocent person
constitutes a 'manifest injustice.'" The
70-page report said the lone eyewitness to the shooting received more
than $4,000 in payments from prosecutors "to identify Johnson as one of
the shooters." The payments were listed as moving expenses, utilities,
storage and other items. The
witness, Greg Elking, later said the state also helped him resolve
several outstanding traffic violations. The report said the information
was not disclosed to Johnson's defense lawyers at the time of his trial.
In 2003, Elking recanted his identification of Johnson in a letter to a
St. Louis pastor. Elking
wrote that he could not pick the gunmen out of lineups and that he
agreed to testify after police and prosecutors offered to "help me
financially," according to Gardner's report. He wanted to clear his
conscience, he wrote. The report
also said police "likely fabricated" the alleged motive for Johnson to
kill Boyd. Four witnesses who suggested a possible motive later disputed
some statements attributed to them in police reports. "The newly
discovered evidence exonerates Johnson," the state's motion for a new
trial said. "The
State has reviewed the evidence and conducted its own investigation and
is convinced that Johnson is innocent and that repeated and prejudicial
government misconduct occurred. These exceptional circumstances and the
interests of justice warrant the granting of a new trial for Johnson or
a hearing despite the motion being out of time." The deadline for the
appeal of the judge's ruling is Tuesday. "
The entire story can be read at:
The entire story can be read at:
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I am monitoring this case/issue. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: Information on "The Charles Smith Blog Award"- and its nomination process - can be found at: Please send any comments or information on other cases and issues of interest to the readers of this blog to: Harold Levy: Publisher: The Charles Smith Blog;