Monday, September 12, 2016

Chris Tapp: (Idaho; (1); Report commissioned by prosecutors on the 1997 murder conviction of Chris Tapp in the killing of Angie Dodge concludes Tapp's confession was “either tainted, questionable or unlikely' - but draws criticism from the victim's mother, a former FBI agent, and the co-founder of 'Judges for Justice' for its conclusion that Tapp was a witness to the crime. Former FBI Supervisory Special Agent Steve Moore, who headed up terrorism investigations at the FBI field office in Los Angeles in addition to investigating murders in Indian country and by the Aryan Nations, reviewed the same statements and came to the opposite conclusion. Dodge commonly wore sweats, Moore wrote in his original report, and Tapp knew her so it is likely he had seen her wear sweatpants before. Moore also pointed out that Tapp was incorrect when he stated the color of the sweatpants. “My assessment of that evidence is discussed in detail in the report,” Moore said in an interview. “His opinion has not moved my conclusion a nanometer. I stand by everything I said.” Robinson’s report takes issue with Moore’s on numerous points, mainly his analysis of the physical evidence at the scene. Retired Judge Mike Heavey, co-founder of Judges for Justice, said he found the report “contradictory” and “underwhelming.” “The conclusions are not supported by any credible evidence that Chris Tapp was present in that room,” he said. Carol Dodge, Angie Dodge’s mother, found that equally unconvincing. She pointed out that Angie’s body was found by co-workers at Beauty for All Seasons, who had seen her clothing. And Angie was visited by several of her friends the night of her murder, who also would have seen her clothing, she said. What Angie was wearing had become common knowledge, she said. Dodge met with Prosecutor Danny Clark ahead of the report’s public release. “I begged him to set Chris Tapp free,” she said in an interview. And she fears that the report won’t be enough to make that happen."

Carol Dodge, Angie Dodge’s mother, found that equally unconvincing. She pointed out that Angie’s body was found by co-workers at Beauty for All Seasons, who had seen her clothing. And Angie was visited by several of her friends the night of her murder, who also would have seen her clothing, she said. What Angie was wearing had become common knowledge, she said. Dodge met with Prosecutor Danny Clark ahead of the report’s public release. “I begged him to set Chris Tapp free,” she said in an interview. And she fears that the report won’t be enough to make that happen. “I’m heartsick,” she said shortly after the report’s release. “Vera (Tapp, Chris’ mother,) is waiting for a call. How do I tell her, ‘I’m sorry?’” Carol says she’s angry. Angry that the new report reveals that at the time of the murder the police were under pressure to cut expenses, such as limiting the number of photographs that were taken at the crime scene, only to have taxpayers 20 years later pay $700 a page for a report that she called “appalling.”"

The entire story can be found at:

PUBLISHER'S NOTE:  I am monitoring this case. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: Information on "The Charles Smith Blog Award"- and its nomination process - can be found at:  Please send any comments or information on other cases and issues of interest to the readers of this blog to:  
Harold Levy. Publisher; The Charles Smith Blog.