Sunday, September 11, 2016

Richard Eikelenboom: Colorado; Bulletin: The DNA expert takes the offensive after being discredited prosecutor in a Denver trial - and disputes the allegations..."They're lying when they say I don’t do my own DNA work," Eikelenboom told Denver7. He said being on the witness stand Monday was a "very hostile environment" and that the "lawyers were not able to explain it [his work]." Eikelenboom said he's been accredited by the Dutch National Accreditation Council for years and Monday, he received accreditation by the American Society of Crime Lab Directors (ASCLD). "I would not get that if I was not a solid scientist," Eikelenboom told Denver7. Testimony this week in a 2013 sex assault case in Denver District Court found that Eikelenboom committed "fundamental DNA analysis errors by not following scientific standards in the DNA field," prosecutors said. "[That's] completely unfounded," Eikelenboom said. "What I think also went wrong, the lawyers we were working for were not well prepared. The District Attorney never let me finish my answer."

"A forensic scientist who has claimed to be a DNA expert in trials in Colorado and across the United States was discredited this week in a Denver trial, according to the Denver District Attorney's Office. However, Richard Eikelenboom disputes that claim. "A Denver prosecutor got Eikelenboom to admit that he had no direct DNA extraction or analysis experience, that he operates a lab that has not been accredited, that he personally failed his basic proficiency texts in 2011 and 2012, and admitted that he was a 'self-trained' in running DNA profiles," the DA's office said. "They're lying when they say I don’t do my own DNA work," Eikelenboom told Denver7. He said being on the witness stand Monday was a "very hostile environment" and that the "lawyers were not able to explain it [his work]." Eikelenboom said he's been accredited by the Dutch National Accreditation Council for years and Monday, he received accreditation by the American Society of Crime Lab Directors (ASCLD). "I would not get that if I was not a solid scientist," Eikelenboom told Denver7. Testimony this week in a 2013 sex assault case in Denver District Court found that Eikelenboom committed "fundamental DNA analysis errors by not following scientific standards in the DNA field," prosecutors said. "[That's] completely unfounded," Eikelenboom said. "What I think also went wrong, the lawyers we were working for were not well prepared. The District Attorney never let me finish my answer." "I appreciate Judge Whitney recognizing that Mr. Eikelenboom’s opinions about DNA have no basis in science and that he was not qualified to testify as an expert," said Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey in a statement sent to Denver7. "[This is a] weird system. As District Attorney, you can say all kinds of things about the expert," Eikelenboom told Denver7. "I don’t think the judge completely understood what happened." Eikelenboom has been used as an expert witness in high-profile cases, including the trial of Casey Anthony, who was acquitted in 2011 of killing her 3-year-old daughter in Florida. Eikelenboom testified in the trial of Indiana State Trooper David Camm, who was accused of killing his wife and two children. Camm was convicted twice, but the verdicts were overturned. In the third trial, Eikelenboom testified that he found someone else's DNA on the clothing of two victims and Camm was acquitted. Eikelenboom's testing and testimony led to a Colorado man being exonerated in a murder case after spending years behind bars.........Eikelenboom's wife, Selma, started the private lab in the Netherlands in 2003 called Independent Forensic Services. Richard joined the company in 2005, he said. The company's website says Richard Eikelenboom is a forensic scientist specializing in DNA trace recovery and bloodstain pattern analysis. It says he studied analytical chemistry and Polytechnic Biochemistry. It said he is studying for his PhD on touch DNA at the University of Denver. In 2011, the Eikelenboom's built a lab in Jefferson County."

The entire story can be found at:

See the related CBS: story at the link below: " A man who has testified in several high-profile criminal trials around the country as a DNA expert has been discredited in a Denver trial. Richard Eikelenboom says it’s almost expected that his qualifications would be called into question by attorneys, but he calls what happened on the stand in Denver ludicrous. “What happens here is not truth finding. They just want to find something to throw mud at you,” Eikelenboom told CBS4.