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"Reformers have for years recommended that all forensic labs be independent from law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies' and this is a key reform promoted by The Justice Project (2008). But fixing these problems is only half the answer' because half of the wrongful convictions attributed to misleading forensic evidence involved deliberate forensic fraud' evidence tampering' and/or perjury.
From "The Elephant in the Crime Lab," by co-authored by Sheila Berry and Larry Ytuarte; Forensic Examiner; Spring, 2009; http://www.t-mlaw.com/blog/post/the-elephant-in-the-crime-lab/
The entire story can be found at:
See Mirror story relating to Natasha Nield - who also is reported as waiving anonymity - at the link below, headed: 'I was raped aged 11 by a fake forensic investigator - now he's set to be free.'..."It was Morrison’s fake ‘forensic investigator’ job and dedication to the church that allowed him to infiltrate the community. He would act like a ‘father figure’ to vulnerable young girls. He would offer them support, ply them with presents. But as Natasha discovered, it was just an act. She said: “I had anger problems as a child. It meant I was often left on my own - nobody wanted to be around me. “He first approached me when I was nine. He would talk to me for hours. Initially he was always really nice to me. He gave me money and sweets and took me on shopping trips. We got really close. I trusted him and felt safe. “A few months after knowing Rocky he began to touch me inappropriately. “He told me to keep it a secret but that it was normal. When a school bully ripped Natasha’s bag, Morrison bought her a new one. And then raped her. She added: “I was scared and in a lot of pain. I have never felt pain like it. He called me pathetic and weak.” Natasha says the abuse went on for many more months - and that during his fraud trial he raped her every evening after court, right up to the day he was jailed."
See previous post - "Steve Bradshaw asks how Morrison defrauded Britain's justice system; The Times - at the link below: "When Gene Morrison was jailed for posing as a forensic scientist last February, his case was reported as a brilliant con. For over 20 years, the then 48-year-old Mancunian had masqueraded as a senior forensic scientist who doubled as a glamorous CSI-style detective. He impressed clients with his fluorescent jacket marked “Forensic Investigator”, his PhD and his laboratory. Sometimes he might turn up in the company of an admiring blonde. He claimed to be an expert in handwriting, drugs, lie-detection, toxicology, facial mapping and forensic dentistry. He gave evidence in court before judges, lawyers and other expert witnesses. Right across Britain he conned the very people who are paid to see through frauds. Documents and invoices found in his office showed he had worked on as many as 700 – maybe 1,000 – cases. The work, surely, of one of the great masterminds of criminal history."
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: I am monitoring this case/issue. Keep your eye on the Charles Smith Blog for reports on developments. The Toronto Star, my previous employer for more than twenty incredible years, has put considerable effort into exposing the harm caused by Dr. Charles Smith and his protectors - and into pushing for reform of Ontario's forensic pediatric pathology system. The Star has a "topic" section which focuses on recent stories related to Dr. Charles Smith. It can be found at: http://www.thestar.com/topic/