"The Middlesex District Attorney's Office will ask the state's
highest court on Tuesday to Victor Rosario. The former Lowell man spent 32 years in prison for one of the
most deadly fires in Lowell's history before his convictions were
overturned. Rosario, now 59, was convicted of arson and murder in the deaths
of eight people, including five children, in a March 5, 1982, inferno at
32-36 Decatur Street. As she prepares to argue the case before the state Supreme
Judicial Court, Assistant District Attorney Jessica Langsam wrote in her
brief that Rosario was incorrectly granted a new trial. Nothing
Rosario's defense attorney has presented, she wrote, indicates an
"extraordinary confluence of factors" that warrant a new trial. If the SJC sides with the DA's office, Rosario, an ordained
Baptist minister, will be sent back to prison for life. If the SJC sides
with Rosario, the DA's office must decide if it can retry a 36-year-old
arson case. At the time, according to court records, Rosario allegedly
confessed to the crime. He spent six weeks at Bridgewater State
Hospital, where he was deemed competent to stand trial. But at trial, Rosario said he could not remember what he had said
during the police interrogation and did not recognize the statements
attributed to him. Despite Rosario's testimony, a judge found Rosario's
statements to police voluntary and reliable. Defense attorney Lisa Kavanaugh argues that Rosario was in the throes
of delirium due to alcohol withdrawal and could not have provided a
voluntary confession to police. She also said Rosario's confessions were
coerced by investigators.........Police accused Rosario and two brothers, Edgardo and Felix
Garcia, both now deceased, of tossing Molotov cocktails into the
building as payback for a bad drug deal involving one of the building's
residents, who was killed in the fire. Rosario was identified by a witness as being at the scene
breaking windows, allegedly to throw Molotov cocktails into the
structure to start the fire. Rosario cut his hand on broken glass and
was treated at the scene by the Red Cross, which is how he first
appeared on the investigators' radar. Kavanaugh argues that Rosario was breaking windows to try to rescue people who were trapped inside. According to court documents, in their investigation of the fire,
Waterhouse and Gilligan determined the fire was "incendiary" and not
accidental. That opinion was based, in part, by examining areas of heavy
burning inside the building and the location of the smoke that poured
from the multi-family structure. The intensity of the fire and the burn
pattern suggested a burning flammable liquid moving along the floor, the
investigators said. Kavanaugh argues that fire science used three decades ago is now
considered "scientifically invalid." She contends the allegations that
Rosario and his two friends started the fire by throwing Molotov
cocktails into the building "does not fit the fire scene evidence."
There were no broken pieces of glass bottles and there was no proof that
an accelerant was used, Kavanaugh said. No other cause has ever been determined for the fatal blaze. In a combined Amicus brief submitted to the SJC, the New England
Innocence Project, the Innocence Project, Inc. and the Boston College
Innocence Program, support Rosario, believing he was wrongly convicted. The brief argues that improvements and approaches to fire science
have changed in the 34 years since the Decatur Street fire. Those
changes, the group argues, could have been a "real factor" in the jury's
deliberations. "Faulty forensic evidence can cause a cascade of errors tainting
every stage of the criminal case, contaminating other lines of evidence
resulting in a wrongful conviction," the group wrote. The combined effect creates a "perfect storm for a wrongful conviction," the group wrote." |