STORY: "NC inmate waits for Tuesdays and news," by reporter Anne Blythe, published by the Charlotte Observer on October 23, 2015.
SUB-HEADING: "Darryl Howard wonders when ruling on new trial will come;
15 months have passed since judge vacated his verdict; Howard remains in prison, while Mike Peterson has been released."
PHOTO CAPTION: " Innocence Project defense attorneys Barry Scheck, left, and James Cooney III, right, were happy for their client Darryl Howard when a judge ordered a new trial in 2014."
PHOTO CAPTION: " Innocence Project defense attorneys Barry Scheck, left, and James Cooney III, right, were happy for their client Darryl Howard when a judge ordered a new trial in 2014."
GIST: "Darryl Anthony Howard and his attorneys usually greet every other Tuesday with the same lingering questions. The
N.C. Court of Appeals issues a fresh batch of rulings every two weeks
or so, and the lawyers and 53-year-old prison inmate wonder whether the
batch released that day will have answers for them. In July 2014,
Orlando Hudson, Durham’s chief resident Superior Court judge,
overturned two guilty verdicts for murders in 1991 that Howard maintains
he did not commit. With new DNA evidence gathered by the Innocence
Project, a national organization dedicated to exonerating the wrongfully
convicted, and statements collected by post-conviction investigators,
Hudson ruled that Howard should get a new trial. Prosecutors
appealed Hudson’s decision, and a three-judge appellate court panel
heard arguments in April. The state appeals court is scheduled to
release rulings on Tuesday, but it won’t be clear until morning whether
Howard’s case will be among the group and offer any answers.
“We’re waiting to see,” said Jim Cooney, a Charlotte attorney who helped persuade Hudson to grant Howard a new trial. For Howard and his wife of 15 years, Nannie, the wheels of justice have sputtered, stalled, sputtered and stalled again just when they thought they had begun rolling in their favor. Not only have state prosecutors appealed Hudson’s ruling, they have fought Howard’s request for bail while the appellate judges weigh arguments for and against a new trial.........Meanwhile, Howard’s wife questions why the wheels of justice in her husband’s case have not spun forward enough for him to wait for decisions in his case outside prison walls, too. More than 20 years have passed since Howard was convicted of two counts of second-degree murder for the slayings of Doris Washington, 29, and her 13-year-old daughter, Nishonda. The killings occurred in 1991 in what investigators described as drug-related crimes at a Durham public housing complex. Howard, who was 32 when he was convicted, knew the victims and was no stranger to Durham police then. He also was a frequent visitor at the public housing complex where the homicides occurred. But ever since firefighters discovered the naked bodies inside a smoke-filled apartment, Howard has maintained that he had nothing to do with the violent deaths.
Sperm was found on the teenage girl and collected in an investigative rape kit. An autopsy showed that her mother had been sexually assaulted, according to court documents. Howard was charged in the homicides, but DNA tests excluded him as a match to the sexual assault evidence. But in their appeal, representatives from the state attorney general’s office argued that Howard was overheard telling his brother that, “He had to set the apartment on fire to hide the evidence.” In April, Assistant Attorney General Mary Carla Babb told appeals court judges – Ann Marie Calabria, Donna Stroud and John Tyson – that state prosecutors believed Judge Hudson erred. She contended that defense attorneys in 1995 pointed out to jurors that DNA evidence collected from the victims did not belong to Howard and the jury still arrived at the guilty verdicts. But defense attorneys have pointed out that a police document uncovered by Innocence Project researchers in the past decade raised questions about the actions of Durham prosecutors, who pushed ahead with the case against Howard knowing that DNA pointed to other culprits..........The recent, more sophisticated DNA tests done by Innocence Project researchers showed that sperm from the rape kit compiled in the Doris Washington homicide matched that of a convicted felon, Jermeck Jones, whose criminal history includes 35 convictions, including several assaults against women. Defense attorneys representing Howard in his most recent quest for freedom contend that the new DNA evidence and autopsy reports showed that Washington was sexually assaulted shortly before she was strangled and beaten to death. They insist that another man is the real culprit and Howard has spent more than 20 years in prison, wrongfully committed for the deeds of someone else. What happens next could be revealed in the state appeals court rulings on Tuesday, or the wait could continue for Howard, who is incarcerated in Warren Correctional Institute while his case moves slowly through the post-conviction legal process. “On Tuesdays, he waits to hear from us,” Cooney said."
The entire story can be found at:
“We’re waiting to see,” said Jim Cooney, a Charlotte attorney who helped persuade Hudson to grant Howard a new trial. For Howard and his wife of 15 years, Nannie, the wheels of justice have sputtered, stalled, sputtered and stalled again just when they thought they had begun rolling in their favor. Not only have state prosecutors appealed Hudson’s ruling, they have fought Howard’s request for bail while the appellate judges weigh arguments for and against a new trial.........Meanwhile, Howard’s wife questions why the wheels of justice in her husband’s case have not spun forward enough for him to wait for decisions in his case outside prison walls, too. More than 20 years have passed since Howard was convicted of two counts of second-degree murder for the slayings of Doris Washington, 29, and her 13-year-old daughter, Nishonda. The killings occurred in 1991 in what investigators described as drug-related crimes at a Durham public housing complex. Howard, who was 32 when he was convicted, knew the victims and was no stranger to Durham police then. He also was a frequent visitor at the public housing complex where the homicides occurred. But ever since firefighters discovered the naked bodies inside a smoke-filled apartment, Howard has maintained that he had nothing to do with the violent deaths.
Sperm was found on the teenage girl and collected in an investigative rape kit. An autopsy showed that her mother had been sexually assaulted, according to court documents. Howard was charged in the homicides, but DNA tests excluded him as a match to the sexual assault evidence. But in their appeal, representatives from the state attorney general’s office argued that Howard was overheard telling his brother that, “He had to set the apartment on fire to hide the evidence.” In April, Assistant Attorney General Mary Carla Babb told appeals court judges – Ann Marie Calabria, Donna Stroud and John Tyson – that state prosecutors believed Judge Hudson erred. She contended that defense attorneys in 1995 pointed out to jurors that DNA evidence collected from the victims did not belong to Howard and the jury still arrived at the guilty verdicts. But defense attorneys have pointed out that a police document uncovered by Innocence Project researchers in the past decade raised questions about the actions of Durham prosecutors, who pushed ahead with the case against Howard knowing that DNA pointed to other culprits..........The recent, more sophisticated DNA tests done by Innocence Project researchers showed that sperm from the rape kit compiled in the Doris Washington homicide matched that of a convicted felon, Jermeck Jones, whose criminal history includes 35 convictions, including several assaults against women. Defense attorneys representing Howard in his most recent quest for freedom contend that the new DNA evidence and autopsy reports showed that Washington was sexually assaulted shortly before she was strangled and beaten to death. They insist that another man is the real culprit and Howard has spent more than 20 years in prison, wrongfully committed for the deeds of someone else. What happens next could be revealed in the state appeals court rulings on Tuesday, or the wait could continue for Howard, who is incarcerated in Warren Correctional Institute while his case moves slowly through the post-conviction legal process. “On Tuesdays, he waits to hear from us,” Cooney said."
The entire story can be found at:
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