mother of a Jewish student who fell into the hands of a shadowy, fascist
sect before he was mysteriously found dead on a German road has
revealed how stunning new evidence has convinced her they were involved
in his death. Jeremiah
Duggan phoned his mum just 45 minutes before his lifeless body was
found on a motorway to say: 'Mum, I'm in big, big trouble'. In
an exclusive interview with MailOnline, his mother Erica Duggan told
how she is now more certain than ever that the murky right-wing,
anti-Semitic LaRouche sect killed him......... As she
mulls over every last detail of his sudden death in her mind, Ms Duggan
says: 'I know how he was killed. He was killed by this organisation,
whether it was mentally or physically - or both. That is why he died.' German
authorities stand accused of a cover up after a coroner in Germany
ruled in 2003 that 22-year-old Jeremiah committed suicide by running
onto a dual carriageway, where he was hit by two fast-moving cars. A fresh inquest into his death found sensational new, compelling evidence that the crash in which he died had been constructed. Paul
Canning, a former Metropolitan Police forensic photographer who studied
79 pictures of the roadside, said marks found on Jeremiah's body showed
he had died trying to defend himself. He
said neither of the cars which allegedly hit him – a Peugeot 406 and a
Volkswagen Golf - had any traces of blood, skin or hair on them, adding
that the damage to the cars was not consistent with them hitting a human
body. He indicated that one of the cars was hit with a hammer or crowbar to make it look as though it had run someone over. A
separate pathology report suggested Jeremiah's injuries were caused by a
boot or a fist, with blood in his lungs showing he had been injured for
some time before he died. There
were no tyre marks or other injuries consistent with Jeremiah being run
over, the report said, and his hands and forearms showed 'classic
defence wounds' meaning he fought with his attacker. His
dramatic evidence led coroner Andrew Walker to 'totally reject'
Germany's findings and rule the intelligent student hadn't taken his
life. 'In
all my years of work I have never seen one case where the grounds for a
full and frank inquiry into a suspicious death were so compelling,' the
Duggan family lawyer Frances Swaine said. For
Ms Duggan and her former husband, Hugh, the inquest at Barnet Coroner's
Court in two weeks ago was a turning point in their 12-year fight for
justice. It
was the first time someone in authority finally recognised that the
bizarre LaRouche cult may have been connected to his death.........One
of the strangest parts of Jeremiah's death was the behaviour of the
police in Germany after his body was found on the motorway in Wiesbaden
in the early hours of March 27, 2003. Within
hours, they had decided it was a suicide. Although pictures were taken
for evidence, the cars had already moved on and no witnesses were
questioned. Police
would later say they received several calls from members of the public
who had apparently witnessed the student jumping into on-coming traffic. Yet when the records of these calls were asked for, they could not be found. They then burned Jeremiah's clothes without telling his devastated parents, and there was no detailed post-mortem. Yet
now a British coroner has 'completely rejected' their initial
assumption that this was a suicide - accepting the expert evidence which
said his injuries were not consistent with being struck by a car.s were not consistent with being struck by a car. It has left Ms Duggan with questions over how, and why, things were handled the way they were 12 years ago.
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