"David Eastman will learn on Wednesday whether he has
successfully removed the judge tasked with deciding whether his second
murder trial will go ahead.
Eastman is currently fighting an
attempt to put him back on trial for the killing of Assistant Federal
Police Commissioner Colin Stanley Winchester in 1989. He has
launched a stay application, arguing that retrial can not possibly take
place fairly due to extensive media coverage of the case, the prejudice
he suffers from the passage of time, the destruction of exhibits, and
the death of witnesses, among other things. But before that application begins, Eastman is trying to have the judge hearing it removed. He argues the judge, Acting Justice Anthony Whealy, may be seen to be
biased because of his time on the NSW Supreme Court bench with the man
who led the original prosecution of Eastman in 1995, Michael Adams."
Richard Allen ( Delphi murders )
3 hours ago