Sunday, July 12, 2015

Rajesh and Nupur Talwar; (Part 2): India; 'Aarushi' author Avirook Sen offers 10 reasons why he believes Aarushi's parents are being framed; NDTV. "5. The complete disregard for the integrity of forensic evidence."

COMMENTARY:  "10 Reasons why I believe Aarushi's parents are being framed," by investigative journaist Avirook Sen, published by NDTV; (Journalist Avirook Sen has written "Aarushi", a new book on the murder of 13-year-old Aarushi Talwar, whose parents Rajesh and Nupur have been convicted for murdering her and their domestic help Hemraj in 2008

GIST: (A concise summary: Read the entire commentary for full details;): 1.  "It is likely that there were more people in the house on the night of the murders according to material I accessed and interviews I conducted.  2. Where are the murder weapons?  3. Witnesses may have been coerced/blackmailed/schooled.  4. The trial judge who convicted the Talwars ignored what was happening and being recorded in his own court. 5. The complete disregard for the integrity of forensic evidence: 6.  The crudely manipulative conduct of the prosecution: once again, this a matter of record and detailed in the book.  7Witnesses were dropped because they would have blown apart the prosecution case. 8. The Talwars weren't given access to critical documents despite High Court orders. 9. Several of the documents submitted to court appear forged: this list is long, and the details are in the book.  10. The unrelenting focus on the conduct of the Talwars. If this was such an open-and-shut case, then why wasn't hard evidence relied upon?"

The entire story can be found at:

See Penguin Books (India) page on 'Aarushi'. "Seven years ago a teenage girl, Aarushi Talwar, was found murdered in her bedroom in Noida, a middle-class suburb of Delhi. The body of the prime suspect—the family servant, Hemraj—was discovered a day later. Who had committed the double murders, and why? Within weeks, Aarushi’s parents, the Talwars, were accused; four years later, they went on trial and were convicted. But did they do it? Avirook Sen attended the trial, accessed important documents and interviewed all the players—from Aarushi’s friends to Hemraj’s old boss, from the investigators to the forensic scientists—to write a meticulous and chilling book that reads like a thriller but also tells a story that is horrifyingly true. Aarushi is the definitive account of a sensational crime, and the investigation and trial that followed"

See the supporter's site:


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